841,174 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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This is pretty random, but about a million years ago GRRM was planning to call the final book in the series A Time for Wolves. Which gives me hope that the Starks will manage to hang together despite Littlefingers machinations.

Also, I hope all this nonsense about Jon marrying Dany will stop. Because in about 8 years he better marry Lyanna Mormont or he's an idiot.
I get what you are saying, but it cannot happen. She is head of her House, and he seems to be the new head of his House. Heads of important noble Houses do not marry one another. That is why daughters and younger sons exist in Westeros.

ETA: Maybe one of her older sisters is not actually dead and will re-appear. Then she can marry Jon.
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So does this mean Jon can be unburnt? Maybe an episode where he accidentally falls in fire and comes out ok...

He burned his hand badly fighting the Wight that attached LC Mormont in his chambers. He spent two season flexing the fingers.
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To fight Jon? Unless he wants to be the King of Westeros, I can't see Dant having a problem with his claim as the ruler of the north.

Throw in the fact that they're family and the books prophesized the return of the 3 headed dragon, it's basically forgone they will become allies in the coming Great War.
I think Dany wants to rule the 7 kingdoms. She has already given up claim to one of those kingdoms; you think she will want to give up another? I guess I could see her going either way. I think they are eventually allies as well, but it is on what terms that will be the question. I have never seen Dany willing to allow anyone to be as powerful as her the entire series, except for Khal Drogo. Which kind of lends credence to the theory that Jon and Dany get hitched.
Has she? She bent Theon and his sis to her will, and I do not recall her saying anything about a Greyjoy Queen. I suspect the deal is that Yarra gets the Seastone Chair as Lady of the Islands (sworn to Dany), but not as Queen.
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It's also possible that you are only shocked by things actually written out by GRRM in the source material.
Haha, there certainly could be some of that as well, but my main point was that for the first 4 seasons, I didn't even MAKE predictions as to what was going to happen, so I was pleasantly surprised anytime something shocking happened on the show. Now days, I make so many predictions and read so many other predictions that it is just a question of who's prediction is going to turn out to be correct.

I can at least empathize with those who want to try and remain in the first phase.
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An interesting thought I just had: what would be the reaction by Royce and other lords of the Vale if Sansa came clean about Littlefinger killing Lysa? Would they be pissed she lied? Not believe her, or be relieved they have reason to get rid of him?
The nobility of the Vale hate Baelish. They will believe anyone who says anything bad about him.
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Didn't Dany say that other houses could ask for independence when the Greyjoys were asking for the salt throne?
It seemed clear that she was saying "anyone can ASK, but I am not likely to agree."
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An interesting thought I just had: what would be the reaction by Royce and other lords of the Vale if Sansa came clean about Littlefinger killing Lysa? Would they be pissed she lied? Not believe her, or be relieved they have reason to get rid of him?
The nobility of the Vale hate Baelish. They will believe anyone who says anything bad about him.
Yep, for this reason, Baelish will likely play nice for a while with Sansa. He knows, she could un-do him, but Baelish isn't one to play nice for very long, nor is he one to let someone have a thumb on him. Sansa knows this and knows it makes her and Jon a target, albeit not immediately.
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Hank......I appreciate that you're a few days late watching the ep, but you're hammering out responses to questions and thoughts that have already been answered (some multiple times) and hashed and rehashed.

Go easy on the comments to posts that are 15+ pages back.
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.
I am still curious about the "rumor" that Qyburn mentioned to Cersei. Was it the wildfire under the Great Sept?
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But Jaime was dismissed from the Kingsguard, so his vow probably no longer applies
Was he removed from the Kingsguard or simply re-assigned outside Kings Landing?
M.C. Swag
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Hank......I appreciate that you're a few days late watching the ep, but you're hammering out responses to questions and thoughts that have already been answered (some multiple times) and hashed and rehashed.

Go easy on the comments to posts that are 15+ pages back.
Good luck, I've tried explaining that to him before.
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.
I am still curious about the "rumor" that Qyburn mentioned to Cersei. Was it the wildfire under the Great Sept?

Yes, she must have heard about it from Jaime or Tyrion.
M.C. Swag
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Stannis, the man who burns his child alive.

Suuuuuper honorable.
Technically that didn't happen in the books and could be argued it was a construct of the television producers.

But either way, Stannis cannot be held above Ned as an avatar of honor.
Disagree. Book Stannis and Book Eddard are on par with one another in the "honor" department.

A lot of people knock Stannis for killing Renly, but he was simply disposing of a usurper. He did offer Renly an out, and Renly declined.
1) I said that Stannis cannot be held ABOVE Ned.

2) It wasn't the act of killing Renly itself that lends to dishonor, but Stannis' method. He chose to assassinate his own brother using dark magic. He saved himself and his men from fighting a battle that would have cost thousands of lives, but that made his method, AT BEST, smart (if not cowardly), not honorable. I think everyone here can agree that Ned, in the same position, would never utilize those tactics. (Especially if it meant sleeping with another woman).

Ned has made it quite clear that the ends do NOT justify the means. Stannis, does not share that same ideology.
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It will be interesting to see which way Jaime goes. You could tell Frey's comparison of him to Jaime and how they're not much different really hit home for Jaime and made him realize how terrible his legacy/life is. He's either going to go all in with Cersei and become a bad guy, or he is going to end up opposing her and stopping her from doing something terrible (like burning all of KL.
I am also interested to see whether Jaime remains on Arya's list. She overheard him speaking with Bronn, and I suspect that she already has an inkling that he is something of a "changed man."
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So Viserion and Rhaegon will suddenly spurt up to Drogons size?

They had been chained up for quite a while before being released. I guess you could argue they'd return to Drogons size but I think their growth potential has been stunted. Even if hey continue to grow, no way they catch up to or surpass Drogon IMO. (Either way, they'd still be just as dangerous)
I seem to recall that dragons continue to grow for their entire lives. Thus, all three would continue to grow, leaving Drogon as always the largest of the three.
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I was wrong about Cersi killing Tommen, however technically he died indirectly because of her actions, but it was not deliberate. What a weak kid. Good riddance. Maybe Cersi will get pregnant again.
I thought Cersi would intentionally kill Tommen after last week. I was wrong. I was tongue in cheek with the "indirectly" comment.
I was commenting more on the "Good riddance" and that you are apparently Team Cersei.
Actually, I'm not team Cersei at all. I think she's deserved every bit of torture and humility she's received. She pulled a bad-ass move here, but I still don't like her. I meant Tommen was a weak kid so good riddance as he'd just lead their house to ruin, he can't even think for himself. But I can see how it would be taken that way. Not how I meant it though. Honestly, if I were Team Cersei, I'd want Tommen alive since he was her last kid. She's brought on much of what she has wrought. Beotch.

but I did like the torture of the jailer woman, she was awful to Margery.

I'm more of a Jon Snow-Sansa (now)-Daneryes fan.
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But Jaime was dismissed from the Kingsguard, so his vow probably no longer applies
Was he removed from the Kingsguard or simply re-assigned outside Kings Landing?
He was completely removed from the Kingsguard
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Drogon is male. The other two are female.

More importantly, when/who is starting Season VII thread?!?!?!?!??
Sorry, but y'all are wrong. Dragons are neither male nor female. It is known.
Dragons, like certain species of amphibians and fish, can shift gender and have no fixed sex: they can shift back and forth as the needs of the species require for reproduction. However, they are usually referred to as male. Only the ones confirmed to have laid eggs were generally referred to as female.
GoT Wiki
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I'm fairly certain Dany refers to all 3 of them as "he" or "him," etc. They all 3 have male names, for whatever that's worth.
Sapper Redux
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Drogon is male. The other two are female.

More importantly, when/who is starting Season VII thread?!?!?!?!??
Dragons are neither male nor female. It is known.

True. I checked the dragon scenes and no dongs or bushes to be found. And you KNOW they would stick those dragon genitals all in our faces if they had them.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Not only is Lyanna Mormont awesome - but the kid that plays her seems equally awesome. Love this kid.

Her name is Bella Ramsey - ironic. And she speaks a lot like Lyanna. Also she isn't allowed to watch the show - just some "suitable" snippets.


Definitely Not A Cop
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Drogon is male. The other two are female.

More importantly, when/who is starting Season VII thread?!?!?!?!??
Dragons are neither male nor female. It is known.

True. I checked the dragon scenes and no dongs or bushes to be found. And you KNOW they would stick those dragon genitals all in our faces if they had them.

Does anyone else still sing this in their head every time the intro comes on?

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I'm fairly certain Dany refers to all 3 of them as "he" or "him," etc. They all 3 have male names, for whatever that's worth.

Dragons, like certain species of amphibians and fish, can shift gender and have no fixed sex: they can shift back and forth as the needs of the species require for reproduction. However, they are usually referred to as male. Only the ones confirmed to have laid eggs were generally referred to as female.
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Yeah I was just looking through a wiki of ice and fire. No big deal, I guess. Did the whole discussion about dragon gender come up b/c of the smaller size of Rhaegal and Viserion? It's been pointed out plenty that it's b/c of them being chained up in a room and not allowed to freely roam the lands. Nothing to do with gender.
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Hank......I appreciate that you're a few days late watching the ep, but you're hammering out responses to questions and thoughts that have already been answered (some multiple times) and hashed and rehashed.

Go easy on the comments to posts that are 15+ pages back.
Tell you what. Next time I will make handwritten notes as to which posts I want to respond to, then I will read the entire thread. Only when I have read fifteen pages will I take my notes and go back to reply to the posts that still need replies. Will that satisfy you?

Or maybe you could just ignore a post that does not interest you.
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I'm fairly certain Dany refers to all 3 of them as "he" or "him," etc. They all 3 have male names, for whatever that's worth.
No, they don't. They have names BASED upon male names. Is Willemina a male name? Georgette?
Sapper Redux
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Only if you first scourge yourself and wear a penitant's cloak for every day you are behind in your viewing. Preferably your wife or loved one will stand behind you saying "Shame, shame, shame" as you read.
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No, they don't. They have names BASED upon male names. Is Willemina a male name? Georgette?
Dude. Their names are not Drogonette or Rhaegalina. The dragons are considered male. Let's move on.
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I think we're making too big of a deal about the two that were chained up being stunted in their growth because of a short amount of captivity. Surely, it effected them to an extent, but I think the actual quote was more in reference to generations of dragons that were kept and raised in captivity eventually breeding down into smaller sizes. More like a Galapagos turtle, but the opposite.

In my opinion, which is obviously just that, an opinion: These dragon eggs were found in Essos and had been dormant for many generations, meaning they were produced from dragons that hadn't been held in captivity, thus, allowing them to grow to full-sized dragons. As for the two that were stunted, I think it was more along the lines of Drogon had always been the biggest of the litter and the Alpha male of the three, thus the reason WHY he ran away and wasn't captured to be put into the pyramid to begin with.
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Doesn't really matter as the season is already over, but it's just frustrating when you answer a question and then quote the person that also correctly answered that question and it was from a conversation 3 days ago. If you just kept reading instead of replying, you'd have seen someone already answered the question and you wouldn't feel compelled to answer a 3 day old question again.
Forum Troll
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Probably the only good thing recently from the show-only thread.
M.C. Swag
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Hank......I appreciate that you're a few days late watching the ep, but you're hammering out responses to questions and thoughts that have already been answered (some multiple times) and hashed and rehashed.

Go easy on the comments to posts that are 15+ pages back.
Tell you what. Next time I will make handwritten notes as to which posts I want to respond to, then I will read the entire thread. Only when I have read fifteen pages will I take my notes and go back to reply to the posts that still need replies. Will that satisfy you?

Or maybe you could just ignore a post that does not interest you.

Yea sure, why should you cater to everyone else in the thread? We all would love it if you continue to clutter the thread with irrelevant posts. Keep up that winning attitude!
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Or maybe you could just ignore a post that does not interest you.
Or maybe you could just not be a crazy person on the internet.
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So what's everyone's bet on Jon's actual name?
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