841,315 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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I'm mad at myself for just now coming over to this thread. I'm a non-book reader but I haven't seen nearly as much comparison to the books as I expected and the stuff I have seen wouldn't have taken away from the show. The quality of posts and theories over here is so much better. Carry on.

If you really want to delve into analysis and theories, I'd suggest going here.

Also look up Alt Shift X on YouTube. He does some great videos.
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Guess it's too much to ask to not devolve this thread into an argument about Christianity?
Season is over. Useless banter is coming.
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I'm mad at myself for just now coming over to this thread. I'm a non-book reader but I haven't seen nearly as much comparison to the books as I expected and the stuff I have seen wouldn't have taken away from the show. The quality of posts and theories over here is so much better. Carry on.
I did the same earlier this season (started reading this thread in addition to the show only thread. Then I decided to read the books. I am on book 2 now.

My only complaint about this thread, and it goes for the show only thread as well, is the constant complaining about things people wish were different (such as how long it takes people to get places). Guess I would prefer sunshine pumping to negativity, but you get what you get...
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Zombie Jon Snow
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I'm mad at myself for just now coming over to this thread. I'm a non-book reader but I haven't seen nearly as much comparison to the books as I expected and the stuff I have seen wouldn't have taken away from the show. The quality of posts and theories over here is so much better. Carry on.
I did the same earlier this season (started reading this thread in addition to the show only thread. Then I decided to read the books. I am on book 2 now.

Yeah it really could be one thread - it amazes me what they get bent out of shape about - most of whatever book related is talked about adds depth if anything. It doesn't detract.

But you can't explain it to them. The level of simplicity of their comprehension sometimes really gets me. I can't imagine being that into this show and not wanting to know about the history, backstory, etc. You don't have to read the books to get it either. There is a lot of interesting stuff.

The ones that particularly amaze me are the ones who watch and don't even know major characters names or who they are all related to - you're missing 90% of the show at least. Are they just casual watchers and if so, why are they on a discussion board. Makes no sense.

Oh well. Welcome aboard to both of you!!
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I was wrong about Cersi killing Tommen, however technically he died indirectly because of her actions, but it was not deliberate. What a weak kid. Good riddance. Maybe Cersi will get pregnant again.
I thought Cersi would intentionally kill Tommen after last week. I was wrong. I was tongue in cheek with the "indirectly" comment.
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Don't know if it has been discussed but do we know why Cersis prophesy wasn't fully stated by the witch? Is this something that may just differ from the books on who kills her?
Zombie Jon Snow
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Don't know if it has been discussed but do we know why Cersis prophesy wasn't fully stated by the witch? Is this something that may just differ from the books on who kills her?

We don't know why. Perhaps they wanted to save that part of the prophecy. Have it revealed closer to when it occurs so it is timely. Maybe they portray it where she goes back for another visit and hears that part. Or maybe they leave it out and it happens anyway.

marble rye
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Was going to say what bangobango said. Religion debates are not entertaining.
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Re watching Battle of the *******s and one thing that bothers me is there are no knights in these battles.
There are very few knights in the North. Most Northerners follow the Old Gods, rather than the Seven. Knighthood is tied directly to the Faith of the Seven.
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Re watching Battle of the *******s and one thing that bothers me is there are no knights in these battles.
There are very few knights in the North. Most Northerners follow the Old Gods, rather than the Seven. Knighthood is tied directly to the Faith of the Seven.
Meanwhile the existence of "Ser Clegane" tells you what Knighthood really amounts to.


The goggles! They do nothing!
Teddy Perkins
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So for those that don't go to the show only thread, I'll bring my theory over from that thread. The theory is that the title sequence that shows the locations that are the subject of the episode is a nod to Sam writing out the Song of Ice and Fire story for the history books as he ingested, learned, viewed, and experienced it. The support is that the Armillary sphere lighting device that he sees in the Maester's library is what appears in the title sequence and the glasses that the intake Maester wears are what we the viewer are looking through during the title sequence. GRRM has always said he is most similar to Sam.

Here are the screenshots of the intake Maester wearing the glasses and the corresponding frames from the title sequence.

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I completely agree on all counts, and fully disclose my book penchant over the show. That being said, I'v had to come to terms that these are the same story told in different ways. i.e. the "left out" or "combined" story-lines in the show don't mean that the mirrored characters in the books hold any less importance, either to the overall plot or to the description of scenery/location/other characters.


To borrow from Reddit, again; D&DB/GoT : Duplo :: GRRM/ASoIaF : Lego

Both stories will get you there, but the pieces aren't nearly as complicated, and there are less of them to manage.
I too vastly prefer the books, but the show does an admirable job of telling a truncated version of a complex story in a way that looses very little of the essence of the original story. It is simply not possible to retain all of the detail of 1000 written pages in a few hours of a visual medium.

For an example of the inverse, see the John Travolta travesty that was Battlefield Earth.
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I'm mad at myself for just now coming over to this thread. I'm a non-book reader but I haven't seen nearly as much comparison to the books as I expected and the stuff I have seen wouldn't have taken away from the show. The quality of posts and theories over here is so much better. Carry on.
I did the same earlier this season (started reading this thread in addition to the show only thread. Then I decided to read the books. I am on book 2 now.

Yeah it really could be one thread - it amazes me what they get bent out of shape about - most of whatever book related is talked about adds depth if anything. It doesn't detract.

But you can't explain it to them. The level of simplicity of their comprehension sometimes really gets me. I can't imagine being that into this show and not wanting to know about the history, backstory, etc. You don't have to read the books to get it either. There is a lot of interesting stuff.

The ones that particularly amaze me are the ones who watch and don't even know major characters names or who they are all related to - you're missing 90% of the show at least. Are they just casual watchers and if so, why are they on a discussion board. Makes no sense.

Oh well. Welcome aboard to both of you!!
I understand the genesis of this feeling, but unfortunately, I think they still miss out on the point all too often by getting so many bleed-over predictions. I'll explain:

The first two seasons, I binge watched.
The 3rd and 4th, I watched with my roommate, helpfully reminding me of different people (show only watcher, just more astute than me).
The 5th season, I watched very closely, while re-watching many old episodes and tying the pieces together. I'd also read a lot of (show only) summaries afterwards to help me pick up on all the pieces.
The 6th season, I watched, read, listened to anything and everything book and show I could. All the theories, all the histories.

The difference is, I was utterly shocked and surprised by the Red Wedding, Son's of the Harpy, Temple of the Undying, Oberyn volunteering to fight the Mountain, and Jaime's hand being cut off. But in contrast, I wasn't surprised by Cersei blowing up Baylor, I wasn't surprised by Littlefinger coming to save the day, and I wasn't surprised by Arya killing the Waif in the dark.

Point is, the more you deep dive into the background and the motivations of characters, the easier it is to predict things and, while that is awesome at times, it also takes away some of the suspense and fun. I see it both ways. My path is chosen, but I try not to say things like "Jon's father could actually be the Mad King" on the show only thread because I don't want to ruin that "surprise" factor for those who like still being surprised.
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Jon had to charge. The next volley of arrows was coming to his exact position. No choice at that point.
Charging is the only valid response when one is about to get caught in an arrowstorm.
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Jon had to charge. The next volley of arrows was coming to his exact position. No choice at that point.
There's always reverse too, get out of range and regroup
No. Slow retreat gets you shot. Fast retreat is called a "rout," and it gets you ridden-down by cavalry.
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Kind of like Bilbo writing The Hobbit or Frodo writing the Lord of the Rings.
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That's an interesting theory, and probably fits for the show. For the books, though, there is way too much stuff happening and recounted that Sam would never know about.

But, it's a cool catch that the stuff on that device is in the opening.
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I understand the genesis of this feeling, but unfortunately, I think they still miss out on the point all too often by getting so many bleed-over predictions. I'll explain:

The first two seasons, I binge watched.
The 3rd and 4th, I watched with my roommate, helpfully reminding me of different people (show only watcher, just more astute than me).
The 5th season, I watched very closely, while re-watching many old episodes and tying the pieces together. I'd also read a lot of (show only) summaries afterwards to help me pick up on all the pieces.
The 6th season, I watched, read, listened to anything and everything book and show I could. All the theories, all the histories.

The difference is, I was utterly shocked and surprised by the Red Wedding, Son's of the Harpy, Temple of the Undying, Oberyn volunteering to fight the Mountain, and Jaime's hand being cut off. But in contrast, I wasn't surprised by Cersei blowing up Baylor, I wasn't surprised by Littlefinger coming to save the day, and I wasn't surprised by Arya killing the Waif in the dark.

Point is, the more you deep dive into the background and the motivations of characters, the easier it is to predict things and, while that is awesome at times, it also takes away some of the suspense and fun. I see it both ways. My path is chosen, but I try not to say things like "Jon's father could actually be the Mad King" on the show only thread because I don't want to ruin that "surprise" factor for those who like still being surprised.

It's also possible that you are only shocked by things actually written out by GRRM in the source material.
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Lots of issues tied to Jon' parentage:

1. If Jon is a Targaryen, he could potentially be the true heir to the throne.
2. Part of the Azor Ahai prophecy requires Targaryen blood. (Not sure the prophecy requires this, though. I've seen conflicting information.)
3. If he is Rhaegar's son, he could be the "prince hat was promised" - another Azor Ahai link.
1. True, except for the basterd thing.
2. The Azor Ahai prophecy pre-dates the Targaryen dynasty by thousands of years.
3. Not clear that AA and PP are even related to one another.
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basterd according to whom? Targaryans can take multiple partners correct? really just depends if he and jons mom got hitched
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Tyrion already interfaced with the dragons without getting torched.
Someone has attended one bad/cheesy management seminar too many.
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Tyrion already interfaced with the dragons without getting torched.
Someone has attended one bad/cheesy management seminar too many.

He and the dragons promoted synergy. They were innovating solutions.
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I don't think Jon will ever sit on the iron throne or even attempt to make a run at it. His purpose is fighting the night kings army
Queen Dany, Hand Tyrion and Warden (of the North) Jon. Three heads of the dragon.
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Stannis, the man who burns his child alive.

Suuuuuper honorable.
Technically that didn't happen in the books and could be argued it was a construct of the television producers.

But either way, Stannis cannot be held above Ned as an avatar of honor.
Disagree. Book Stannis and Book Eddard are on par with one another in the "honor" department.

A lot of people knock Stannis for killing Renly, but he was simply disposing of a usurper. He did offer Renly an out, and Renly declined.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Tyrion already interfaced with the dragons without getting torched.
Someone has attended one bad/cheesy management seminar too many.

lol. no. i didn't want to say talked to them or was in their presence. it was just shorthand for wasn't burned while he helped them out of the shackles.

and why are we replying to stuff from 14 pages back?
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The Queen of Thornes and the Spider will hopefully make the Sand Snakes not as annoying. Lady Olenna especially does a great job of that.
In a great episode, Olenna's beatch-slap of the Sand Snakes was the funniest moment. "Let the grown women talk." Loved it.
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Tyrion already interfaced with the dragons without getting torched.
Someone has attended one bad/cheesy management seminar too many.

lol. no. i didn't want to say talked to them or was in their presence. it was just shorthand for wasn't burned while he helped them out of the shackles.

and why are we replying to stuff from 14 pages back?
Busy on Sunday and just watched the episode on DVR. Catching up on the thread.
Zombie Jon Snow
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The Queen of Thornes and the Spider will hopefully make the Sand Snakes not as annoying. Lady Olenna especially does a great job of that.
In a great episode, Olenna's beatch-slap of the Sand Snakes was the funniest moment. "Let the grown women talk." Loved it.

Yeah....do you think in any way it was a nod to the audience - about how annoying they are.

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My only WTF parts were ... Varys learned somethings from the sorcerer like using waygates.
Nice WoT reference.
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Someone give me the ball gag emote.

Best episode of the entire series. Just perfect.

The R+L=J scene was incredible.
Anyone want to discuss who has stronger claim to the throne?

Dany or Jon Blackfyre?

Jon is NOT a "Blackfyre." That is the surname assumed by a completely different line of Targaryen basterds. Jon is NOT descended from that line.
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Blackfyres are Targeryan illegitimates.
They're actually a line descended from one particular Targaryen ******* that formed his own house after being legitimized and being given the ancestral sword that Targaryen Kings wielded (named Blackfyre). Other Targ *******s are not automatically Blackfyres.
Thank you.
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Or Howland Reed showing up, but in the show he wasn't in the room. Doesn't matter because unless he died from his wound off-screen, Eddard coming out of the tower with a baby in his arms would bring up some questions from Howland.

Did Eddard bring Lyanna's body back with him to Winterfell? I can't remember. If he did, there would be another one for Howland to question everything even if he wasn't there to witness Eddard's talk with Lyanna.
We still have a big gap in time to resolve. The baby was JUST born, but Eddard did not arrive at Winterfell with the same nursemaid (or the parentage would be known). Will it take Eddard so long to get to Winterfell that the baby will be weaned? Or will he travel with the nursemaid and then dump her just before reaching Winterfell?
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Where was the Targaryens home base? Harrenhal?
Originally Dragonstone.

After they invaded the mainland, they established their base in the Crownlands, which included King's Landing.

Harrenhal was built from scratch by the king of the Iron Islands, who had conquered the Riverlands immediately prior to the Targaryen invasion.
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I was wrong about Cersi killing Tommen, however technically he died indirectly because of her actions, but it was not deliberate. What a weak kid. Good riddance. Maybe Cersi will get pregnant again.
I thought Cersi would intentionally kill Tommen after last week. I was wrong. I was tongue in cheek with the "indirectly" comment.
I was commenting more on the "Good riddance" and that you are apparently Team Cersei.
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