841,316 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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This episode proves it doesn't matter if he is a *******, he is a Targ and they will follow him.

My prediction
Bran comes in and tells the story. People are suspicious, but John will Lead a battle against Dany. She will land Drogon right in front of him, blast him with fire. All that will be there is a naked alive John and a flaming valirian sword. Battle ends and John and Dany are united.
I dig the idea of Jon's Targ blood being revealed by a blast of Drogon's fire. I would love to see that, but I think it's a longshot.

I think Sam/Tyrion will somehow prevent or at least, delay an all-out war between Dany and Jon, Bran will show up at just the right time to reveal the truth about Jon's parents, and then Aunt Dany and Jon will team up to take on the Whitewalkers.

Wasn't there a time in the show that Jon had a wight attacking him and he grabbed a flaming hot torch to get rid of him? If I recall correctly, it didn't burn him. Can anyone clarify that?
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Season 1 and it did burn his hands. But don't forget that Dany brother .. Vicey got burned when he put on his special crown.. so Jon best not run into fire just yet.
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For ballerstaf and those that complained how the Loras character was managed earlier in the season this couldn't have helped. If he was going to die anyway then he could have at least gone down fighting instead of weakly submitting to the knife.
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The King in the North five seasons ago:

Sounds like same musical score as they used last night. Lot of similarities between this scene and last night's scene.

Amazing seeing Theon back then. Wow how much has he changed?
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I believe that her attire was not identical from the scene when the Sept blew up and her coronation. Her shoulder decorations were different if I recall.

She lost her last child. Cercei will wear black in every remaining scene I'd guess.
It definitely came across to me more like she was dressing for a funeral.

She dressed up kinda like Tywin used to

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
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Sure I will give you 4 months instead of 6. The point being that some sizable period of time that will have to be reconciled at some point. It is not a fatal problem just something that has to be accounted for now that storylines are converging.

My biggest issue with time is with the white walkers. We are now 6 months or a year between the battle of hard home and Danny s arrival in Westeros. What have they been doing all of that time?

They still can't go past the Wall
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Sure I will give you 4 months instead of 6. The point being that some sizable period of time that will have to be reconciled at some point. It is not a fatal problem just something that has to be accounted for now that storylines are converging.

My biggest issue with time is with the white walkers. We are now 6 months or a year between the battle of hard home and Danny s arrival in Westeros. What have they been doing all of that time?

They still can't go past the Wall
Not yet.
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For ballerstaf and those that complained how the Loras character was managed earlier in the season this couldn't have helped. If he was going to die anyway then he could have at least gone down fighting instead of weakly submitting to the knife.

After I posted about it on Reddit and has so many agree with my thoughts, I made peace with it and was ambivalent about his succumbing to the High sparrow. They wanted a weak gay stereotype beaten down by organized religion to make a political statement. I hate it but at least weak show Loras is dead.
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An alternative scene could have had Loras suddenly resisting the mutilation and a secret Tyrell force emerges from the perimeter (because in this show you always have a surprise attack changing the battles). The Tyrells and Faith Militant fight it out with a Tyrell victory but then it all blows up anyway.
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That would have given me a lot of satisfaction. Apparently there was a deal made so he could come out of the torture prison . Margery even said "you said you wouldn't hurt him" when they carved that in his head.
suburban cowboy
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IceCream's #brainfreezetakes:

Best season ever. Hands down.
Agree that the director of the past two episodes has earned the right to direct the remainder of the series. Things are really coming together (finally). Pretty clear that Jon is the Prince that was promised.

Expectations for next season:
Sea Battle? Surely
Does Arya complete her list? I think so
Dany's next love affair? Your guess is as good as mine
Dany and Jon feud? A family feud for the ages
WW's siege the wall (bc Benjen is a double agent) and march toward Winterfell
Bran takes off the tricycle wheels of his warg'ing capabilities bicycle. Will be interesting to see his true powers progress.
Sam discovers the recipe to replicate Valyrian steel
LF or Sansa? Somethings got to give here and my money is on LF
Who kills cersie? My money is on Ser Jaime who then sides with his brother
Overall, believe more magic is incorporated into the season
Ghost gets more screen time

GoT path forward and epic closure thoughts:
Bran has got to warg into a dragon at some point (hopefully while Dany and Jon are riding the other two)
Edit: We see the best onscreen battle sequence in history (WW & wights vs. Mankind)
Dany or Jon dies (GRRM is too savage )
***Bold prediction alert***
The WW's end up ruling the iron throne. Winter prevails. Fat lady sings. The world floods of nerd tears (mine included).
***End bold prediction alert***
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For ballerstaf and those that complained how the Loras character was managed earlier in the season this couldn't have helped. If he was going to die anyway then he could have at least gone down fighting instead of weakly submitting to the knife.

After I posted about it on Reddit and has so many agree with my thoughts, I made peace with it and was ambivalent about his succumbing to the High sparrow. They wanted a weak gay stereotype beaten down by organized religion to make a political statement. I hate it but at least weak show Loras is dead.
I hope you're trolling bc that's the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. Good job making everything about politics
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You just poked the gay bear...
Definitely Not A Cop
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Baller Staf is right. They made Loras a pansy ass in the show just for social commentary reasons. He is way more of a badass in the books.
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Baller Staf is right. They made Loras a pansy ass in the show just for social commentary reasons. He is way more of a badass in the books.
I felt this way too, but never made any comment about it just because. . . However, reading these last few, they bring up some points.

Humorous Username
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It's amazing to me how intricate little clues can be in the show. Jon Snow's biggest advocate is 9 year old Lyanna Mormont.

His mother's name is Lyanna. It's like she's his guardian angel. Just truly amazing by GRRM

Never thought about that.
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It's amazing to me how intricate little clues can be in the show. Jon Snow's biggest advocate is 9 year old Lyanna Mormont.

His mother's name is Lyanna. It's like she's his guardian angel. Just truly amazing by GRRM

Never thought about that.

He also was using a Mormont shield when blocking Ramsey's arrows.
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Baller Staf is right. They made Loras a pansy ass in the show just for social commentary reasons. He is way more of a badass in the books.

I don't think he read my original reddit post. He's actually agreeing with me.
Humorous Username
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The look on Eddard's face shifts when she tells him the name, you can see the division inside of him. He just fought the Targaryens for what they did to his family, now he has to take care of one.
Yep. Super difficult moment for him just then.

Was thinking about that today. The love of his sister, and the Stark blood being in Jon had to carry Ned through a lot of tough times, especially the scorn from his wife and ridicule from Robert. It had to eat him up seeing Jon, who was really one of the highest nobles in Westeros, being treated like a *******.

More proof that Ned Stark was a good and honorable man.
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And of course Longclaw is the Mormont family's Valerian steel sword. I love the symmetry of how the Mormonts have been so critical to him becoming who he is since the beginning.
Humorous Username
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It's amazing to me how intricate little clues can be in the show. Jon Snow's biggest advocate is 9 year old Lyanna Mormont.

His mother's name is Lyanna. It's like she's his guardian angel. Just truly amazing by GRRM

Never thought about that.

He also was using a Mormont shield when blocking Ramsey's arrows.

Great storytelling. I lost my mother when I was 3, so, even though it is a work of fiction, I sympathize with Jon when he wonders about his mother, and when he receives the protection and love of people close to his mother and her family.
Humorous Username
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And of course Longclaw is the Mormont family's Valerian steel sword. I love the symmetry of how the Mormonts have been so critical to him becoming who he is since the beginning.

I would reward them with the lands and titles of the Boltons.
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Great finale!

Varys showing up on the deck was somewhat disconcerting. However, I would have been fine with it if they had just taken a 30 sec - 1 minute scene showing him meeting Daenerys for the first time.
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It's amazing to me how intricate little clues can be in the show. Jon Snow's biggest advocate is 9 year old Lyanna Mormont.

His mother's name is Lyanna. It's like she's his guardian angel. Just truly amazing by GRRM

Never thought about that.
It is not a given that Lyanna will play a particularly big role in the books. Her mother is still alive and 3 out of her 4 older sisters are still alive (Dacey was killed at the Red Wedding). Two of them Lyra and Jory are with Maege. Alysane Mormont is with Stannis but is being sent back to the wall with the fake Arya.

So far the only role Lyanna has played is the letter. The show did a great job with her, but my guess is that the entire Northern plot will be pretty different in the books
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Wow. The battle of the *******s must have really had you wrecked than?

I'm sorry about your mother.
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LMAO. Just watched it. Wow, talk about one ****ed up political landscape. The only theoretically non laughable Lord in the whole ****ing kingdom is Jaime Lannister Lord of the Rock. The whole of the 7 kingdoms seems sruck in a black plot hole.
Humorous Username
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Wow. The battle of the *******s must have really had you wrecked than?

I'm sorry about your mother.

I was more torn up last night at the TOJ with Lyanna begging Ned. My mother was murdered while she was on the phone with 911. They have her recorded begging for her life before she was shot by my father.
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I really can never tell if you're trolling or if you just really hate this show/what the story has become. If it's the latter, why not just stop watching?
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Baller Staf is right. They made Loras a pansy ass in the show just for social commentary reasons. He is way more of a badass in the books.

I need to re-read the books. I'm not saying that Loras was a pansy in the books but he definitely was not some badass. He was an astounding swordsman but vain

I think that is how they portrayed him in the show. He didn't submit to the faith because he was some pansy gay guy, he submitted because he had been tortured for months and that was his way out. Him joining the faith militant and submitting to the mutilation was brave not weak. He went above and beyond what was required for his freedom. He did it as a sacrifice for his family to avoid further trouble as repayment; he is shielding them from further turmoil as they have always shielded him. He does it because he knows to be that shield for them he can't continue his ways and he doesn't want to because his love (Renly) is dead.

Him being gay and being prosecuted by the faith isn't a social commentary, it is a plot line that makes complete sense in a male dominated warrior society.
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You missed my point completely. Just forget it.
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I agree with you. Watching that scene, I felt like Loras was finally showing the strength he had been missing for so long. When they started carving his forehead, he didn't scream, fight, or object. He just took it like a man so that he could get out alive and save his family from more pain.
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I disagree completely. The brave thing to do would have been to take the William Wallace way out. Give them a middle finger and slap the high septon on the head with his wang.
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Well he clearly did as his sister asked. Margery spent a LOT of time and effort to get him that deal so no I wouldn't call it brave to disregard his families' wishes.
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Crackpot theory here:

I saw on Reddit that reminded us that Arya said "my lord" in a high borne tongue when speaking to Tywin Lannister. He scolded her and she said "m'lord" thereafter.

When serving Frey, she still used the high born "my lord".... This fact continues to stick with me.

Is there any chance that that is not arya? That is the waif posing as Arya with her face? It would make sense when Jaquen says that she is now truly no one.

I know it's extremely unlikely, but it's stuck in my head.
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It's amazing to me how intricate little clues can be in the show. Jon Snow's biggest advocate is 9 year old Lyanna Mormont.

His mother's name is Lyanna. It's like she's his guardian angel. Just truly amazing by GRRM

Never thought about that.

He also was using a Mormont shield when blocking Ramsey's arrows.

of course his aunt has her own Mormont in Jorah, who apart from selling her out that one time has been somewhat of a guardian angel as well.
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