841,541 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
Trident 88
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I think the Sansa look at LF at the end of their scene is Sansa's recognition that she has to marry Robert Aaryn to get rid of LF's influence. She knows he'll do anything, so she has to be willing to sacrifice.

Until that point in time LF has that kid in his back pocket.
Making Sweetrobin fly would be much more fun, but I can see this happening instead.
Al Bula
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Jon Snow has nothing to do with the Blackfyre cadet branch of the Targaryens.
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I think the Sansa look at LF at the end of their scene is Sansa's recognition that she has to marry Robert Aaryn to get rid of LF's influence. She knows he'll do anything, so she has to be willing to sacrifice.

Until that point in time LF has that kid in his back pocket.
Making Sweetrobin fly would be much more fun, but I can see this happening instead.
In the show I think she ends up marrying Sweetrobin.
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Another great episode.
* Anyone else think the wildfire nuking of The Sept of Baylor was a parallel to that school up River? Or maybe GRRM could not figure out where to take the Faith Militant story line so he just blew it all to hell.

*Arya and the Frey pie was cool, very predictable once Frey started asking about the usual girl.

*Little Lady Mormont shaming the Lords of the North was great. What the heck could they say after her speech?

*The Lannisters and the remainder of the Freys vs. everyone else, right? IMO, next season sees them go down the drain quickly. The remainder of the season will deal with the Jon Snow/Dany dynamic and the final showdown with the White Walkers.

*Littlefinger is one of the few major wildcards left. He finally came out and said he wants the iron throne for himself. I'm not sure who he could manipulate at this point other than Sansa.

*Euron. The Hound. Brienne. Set Jorah. Wonder what's up with these fools.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I think the Sansa look at LF at the end of their scene is Sansa's recognition that she has to marry Robert Aaryn to get rid of LF's influence. She knows he'll do anything, so she has to be willing to sacrifice.

Until that point in time LF has that kid in his back pocket.
Making Sweetrobin fly would be much more fun, but I can see this happening instead.
In the show I think she ends up marrying Sweetrobin.

I'm not sure. One of Sansa's themes throughout her story is about how the person she is betrothed/engaged/married to treats her like complete **** the entire time. I think Robin would continue that, but eventually GRRM has to throw her a bone and let her find someone she truly loves right? If not, I've got a bone to throw at her.
Trident 88
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In the show I think she ends up marrying Sweetrobin.

Robert Arryn = Sweetrobin
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Blackfyres are Targeryan illegitimates.
Ah. Gotcha.

Not exactly, they are specific group of Targ illegitimatess from a specific branch of the family tree. The king at the time had an heir but gave the targ great sword "Blackfyre" to his *******. The ******* became the first Blackfyre and he and his family claimed the throne (because he claimed to be legitimized by being given the House sword) and rebelled several times.

Not all Targ *******s are Blackfyres. If Jon is a ******* his name would be Jon Waters.
Trident 88
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I think the Sansa look at LF at the end of their scene is Sansa's recognition that she has to marry Robert Aaryn to get rid of LF's influence. She knows he'll do anything, so she has to be willing to sacrifice.

Until that point in time LF has that kid in his back pocket.
Making Sweetrobin fly would be much more fun, but I can see this happening instead.
In the show I think she ends up marrying Sweetrobin.

I'm not sure. One of Sansa's themes throughout her story is about how the person she is betrothed/engaged/married to treats her like complete **** the entire time. I think Robin would continue that, but eventually GRRM has to throw her a bone and let her find someone she truly loves right? If not, I've got a bone to throw at her.

I would like to see Sansa win Robin over. Then, LittleFinger gets frustrated and attacks Sansa, so Robin rushes at Littlefinger to defend Sansa, and both Robin and LF exit the show through the Moon Door.
M.C. Swag
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This episode proves it doesn't matter if he is a *******, he is a Targ and they will follow him.

My prediction:

Bran comes in and tells the story. People are suspicious, but John will Lead a battle against Dany. She will land Drogon right in front of him, blast him with fire. All that will be there is a naked alive John and a flaming valirian sword. Battle ends and John and Dany are united.

Yea except Dany and Jon don't really have cause to fight. Dany has eyes for Kings Landing and Jon knows the true enemy is north. If anything, Dany and Jon will ally and the dragons will be used to help fight the WW.
M.C. Swag
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How ficked is Cersei? She's has effectively made enemies of Highgarden, Dorne, Dany and the Starks.

Even Jamie looked a lil on the fence about his sis.
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Last just take a moment and recognize Lady Lyanna Mormont as the MVP of this season
Definitely Not A Cop
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Dany absolutely does have a reason to fight.

But Once Jon seems the dragons, I can't imagine he will want to fight her. It just seems like a stupid move on his part.

This could be how we see LF try to take control, by him demonizing Dany to Jon.

I'm really interested in seeing Jon's next move. I think he goes after the Freys, but once that is done, does he really have any motivation to try and fight the Lannister's? At some point, it just seems counter intuitive to keep decimating your fighting force in these battles when the WW are coming.

Should we go ahead and get a season 7 thread started?
M.C. Swag
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To fight Jon? Unless he wants to be the King of Westeros, I can't see Dany having a problem with his claim as the ruler of the north. And what has Dany ever done to Jon to warrant his desire to fight?

Throw in the fact that they're family and the books prophesized the return of the 3 headed dragon, it's basically forgone they will become allies in the coming Great War.
Definitely Not A Cop
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To fight Jon? Unless he wants to be the King of Westeros, I can't see Dant having a problem with his claim as the ruler of the north.

Throw in the fact that they're family and the books prophesized the return of the 3 headed dragon, it's basically forgone they will become allies in the coming Great War.

I think Dany wants to rule the 7 kingdoms. She has already given up claim to one of those kingdoms; you think she will want to give up another? I guess I could see her going either way. I think they are eventually allies as well, but it is on what terms that will be the question. I have never seen Dany willing to allow anyone to be as powerful as her the entire series, except for Khal Drogo. Which kind of lends credence to the theory that Jon and Dany get hitched.
M.C. Swag
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Also, Tyrion is now the hand and he likes Jon Snow. He wouldn't advocate Dany going to war with him.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Solid point.
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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.
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How ficked is Cersei? She's has effectively made enemies of Highgarden, Dorne, Dany and the Starks.

Even Jamie looked a lil on the fence about his sis.

A little? The look on his face was pure "Yep gonna have to kill this b***h." I'm well acquainted with that look...
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I think that there are 3 heads to the dragon, Jon - Dany - and someone else (I think Tyrion). I bet that Jon and Dany die in the war with the white walkers, as do all the dragons, and Tyrion is left to rule as a Targ.

Why did all the discussion about Blackfyres (Re: Jon) start?

I also think the North will just get ready to fight the WW, no more fighting humans.
marble rye
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I think that there are 3 heads to the dragon, Jon - Dany - and someone else (I think Tyrion). I bet that Jon and Dany die in the war with the white walkers, as do all the dragons, and Tyrion is left to rule as a Targ.

Why did all the discussion about Blackfyres (Re: Jon) start?

I also think the North will just get ready to fight the WW, no more fighting humans.

This may have been my fault. Stated that Varys is suspected to be helping a Blackfyre get to the throne. I thought that was the ******* last name designation for Targaryens.

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So we get the reveal that Jon is not Ned's son, followed by a cut to the King in the North scene where Lady Mormont gives a rousing speech that she doesn't care that he's a ******* because Ned's blood runs through him...
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So can Howland Reed. When is his ass going to show up?

Dammit!! I wanted him to be the HS. How does the guy that's so clever for so long, completely become an idiot even with Margery yelling the truth at him???

Yep. But even if they had all taken off sprinting when Margaery said to, I don't think they would have escaped the explosion.
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So we get the reveal that Jon is not Ned's son, followed by a cut to the King in the North scene where Lady Mormont gives a rousing speech that she doesn't care that he's a ******* because Ned's blood runs through him...
He's not Ned's son, but he IS a Stark.
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Ya you're not incorrect, but it is a specific family line that took up that name and were forced off to Essos before Robert's Rebellion.

I think we should start a thread that follows the books lineages and the show lineages (as best we can guess at).

Dunk and Egg is all about Targaryans, so it's got good source material.
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I agree with those saying Jon will not want to fight Dany and vice versa, but what about Sansa? I can see at the beginning of next season Jon wanting to turn his attention to the WW and their threat, but Sansa wanting to constantly tell him that the Lannisters are still out there and as long as Cersei is a threat, they will "never be safe". She'll want to use the new alliances to get her ultimate revenge. Maybe its LF that even pushes her that way. There is still friction in the Sansa/Jon relationship and I don't see Sansa wanting to just sit still at Winterfell while Jon just prepares for the WW. I think she wants more. Thus instead of being content with what they have up north, I can see Sansa wanting to make a push south. Maybe that's how eventually Jon and Dany meet, who knows how Dany would react if she feels like Sansa/Jon is trying to make a claim for the throne if he was all the North + KotV with him
The Dog Lord
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So Jon is a Targ. Ned's father and brother were killed by a Targ and the North fought against the Targs during Robert's rebellion, right? So what happens if/when the North finds out about Jon being a Targ?
I imagine if Jon makes a play (or others urge him to) for the Iron Throne, that it would mean that Sansa would become Lady of Winterfell after all. They might be able to get behind that.
The Dog Lord
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How ficked is Cersei? She's has effectively made enemies of Highgarden, Dorne, Dany and the Starks.

Even Jamie looked a lil on the fence about his sis.
I mean she did kill quite a few members of her own family either directly (Kevan, Lancel, etc.) or indirectly (Tommen). She is an idiot. No one likes her, not the other nobles or the common people. She has just killed the king, queen, and religious leader that the commoners loved.
Pasquale Liucci
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But don't forget, Sansa's arc has now had a major inflection. She is not naive, useless Sansa anymore. After Ramsay, she has learned to become cold, merciless and manipulative
Thomas Ford 91
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Who stands with Cersei? The Mountain, an ex-maester, and some little kids?

Dorne and Highgarden back the Dragon. The North and the Vale are behind TKitN. Baratheon is spent. Frey is leaderless. The people of Kings Landing probably hate Cersei.

The Lannisters are down to Cersei, Jaime, and the Hand of the Queen. I feel like the Lannister army will follow Jaime. i don't think Jaime sticks with Cersei.

I certainly see an opening for a crazy pirate to marry into the Iron Throne.

As for Dany, it should take 1 episode to retake everything south of the Neck. She has 3 dragons, at least 100,000 troops on boats or already on ground, plenty of supplies, and Sand Snakes.

Is LittleFinger unaware the Dragon returns?
marble rye
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Ya you're not incorrect, but it is a specific family line that took up that name and were forced off to Essos before Robert's Rebellion.

I think we should start a thread that follows the books lineages and the show lineages (as best we can guess at).

Dunk and Egg is all about Targaryans, so it's got good source material.

Yeah and all the ******* designations and to which house they fall under...


I know there are more.
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So Jon is a Targ. Ned's father and brother were killed by a Targ and the North fought against the Targs during Robert's rebellion, right? So what happens if/when the North finds out about Jon being a Targ?
I imagine if Jon makes a play (or others urge him to) for the Iron Throne, that it would mean that Sansa would become Lady of Winterfell after all. They might be able to get behind that.

Why would Jon go south for the iron throne? He has been prepping for the WW and going south to battle for the iron throne makes no sense.

Once Danaerys lands, she'll destroy all southern competition and come north. About this time we'll see the wall fall and instead of fighting North vs South they square off against WW army. I'm thinking something similar to the Battle of the 5 armies.
Thomas Ford 91
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Also thought it was interesting that Royce was at the Northern Kingsmoot and seemed to speak for the Vale, while LF stood aside and watched. What was going on with that?
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She does have the King's guard protecting her now.

But I guess that isn't a surprise since Tommoen is dead
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Power struggle.

LF already threatened to throw Royce through the moon-door. Little Robyn seemed to be all about that (turning into a teenage pyscho?).

The simplest thing that could happen is Sansa makes a marriage pact with Robyn, and then LF is completely cut out of the picture. She would council Robyn on how to use the knights of the vale, and then LF doesn't have anyone fighting with/for him. He would have to retreat to Kings Landing and beg for Cersi's forgiveness.

I doubt that will happen though, and Sansa won't make the marriage pact quickly. LF will return to the Vale and will usher Robyn to withdraw the KotV. Which will lead to Royce dying and some division...
Pasquale Liucci
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Agreed. With Tyrion as hand and Varys as advisor, I don't think there's any way that LF gets her pitted against Jon/the North. Out of the three most cunning, strategic men in Westeros, she has two advising her.
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