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Aryas fate

Started re-reading the series this week and came across this line in the first book:

Jon talking to Arya about getting in trouble from running away when she should have been knitting

When the thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers.

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Which is fine as long as it's a Captain America type of freeze.
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Sadly, I'm not. Dotrice did do AFFC after the fact later. Certain choices included turning Dany into and old Scottish crone, changing the pronunciations of both Petyr and Catelyn, and making Melisandra sound all pitchy and whiny.



My apologies. The John Lee version was so horrendously bad I just assumed that was the one you meant.

Damn your civility, I was hoping for another ten page spanning argument on this thread.
Joe Cole
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The first audiobook release of AFFC was inexplicably narrated by John Lee, not Roy Dotrice, and it was terrible. AFFC was re-released years later with correctly pronounced narration by Roy Dotrice. You're thinking of the John Lee version.

Thanks for this I didn't know they had Roy go back and do AFFC. I have always been stuck with the John Lee version and hate it. I'm currently suffering thru AFFC again, but will be downloading Roy version when I get home.

The couple of voice changes Roy does are a little strange. The Mel one is pretty drastic. I just chalk it up to him being 90 something and don't worry too much about it

McInnis 03
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Tangent: For those of you show watchers who want to try the books but don't have the literary time, I'd encourage you to try the audiobooks as read by Roy Dotrice. They're done so well, he gives them complete justice for what they are in his reading and you can accelerate it do whatever speed you determine is appropriate for you to accelerate through them.

I go through them at roughly 1.5x real-time and the 40 hr books take me some 25+ hours to get through.

Have you gotten to Book 4 yet? Cause Roy forgets how to do all the voices and turns Dany into the old lady from Snow White.
Won't lie, the voice forgetting and name changes chapped my ass, but since he kept to his Tyrion I was able to forgive him....

"If you think that rubbing my head is good luck, perhaps you should try rubbing my....."
McInnis 03
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Tangent: For those of you show watchers who want to try the books but don't have the literary time, I'd encourage you to try the audiobooks as read by Roy Dotrice. They're done so well, he gives them complete justice for what they are in his reading and you can accelerate it do whatever speed you determine is appropriate for you to accelerate through them.

I go through them at roughly 1.5x real-time and the 40 hr books take me some 25+ hours to get through.

Have you gotten to Book 4 yet? Cause Roy forgets how to do all the voices and turns Dany into the old lady from Snow White.
The first audiobook release of AFFC was inexplicably narrated by John Lee, not Roy Dotrice, and it was terrible. AFFC was re-released years later with correctly pronounced narration by Roy Dotrice. You're thinking of the John Lee version.
No, Brienne went from "Bry-Eeen" to "bree-anne" and several other names changed. Many voices changed, Sir Roy didn't listen to his old work before working on 4 and 5. But again, since the Lannister voices were left untouched I was ok with it after digesting it for awhile.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Does anyone think Arya will be able to wear the faces of people she kills in Westeros? Or is it some type of magic that is only usable while you're actually part of the FM?
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Well they magically don't rot in Bravos so I think that's part of the "magic"
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I was under the assumption the faces were like "the mask" from the movie, The Mask, where you carried it around in your back pocket and could pull it out whenever needed. We've seen them actually pulling the face off when they change back so I assumed you could carry a face or many faces with you when going on a mission.

She does ask what face she'll use when going after Lady Crane and Jaqen says she doesn't get a face until she proves herself again. Point being, unless she smuggled some out of the hall at the end when she told off Jaqen, I don't expect her to have any faces to use when she shows up to Westeros.

That being said, I hope I'm wrong, because I would LOVE it if she could utilize that skill in Westeros. Come to think of it, she was taught how to manicure the bodies and cut the faces out. Perhaps she was able to learn the magic needed to create some of her own faces of people she's killed going forward?

Edit: I see you were already thinking she could re-use the faces she killed in Westeros.
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I think the heads or mounts they sit on, have some sort of magical properties, which allow them to remain soft and bendy.

When taking the faces off whoever, they were almost like a thin plastic mask. (or something like the Mask, like you mentioned smokey).
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Tangent: For those of you show watchers who want to try the books but don't have the literary time, I'd encourage you to try the audiobooks as read by Roy Dotrice. They're done so well, he gives them complete justice for what they are in his reading and you can accelerate it do whatever speed you determine is appropriate for you to accelerate through them.

I go through them at roughly 1.5x real-time and the 40 hr books take me some 25+ hours to get through.

Have you gotten to Book 4 yet? Cause Roy forgets how to do all the voices and turns Dany into the old lady from Snow White.
The first audiobook release of AFFC was inexplicably narrated by John Lee, not Roy Dotrice, and it was terrible. AFFC was re-released years later with correctly pronounced narration by Roy Dotrice. You're thinking of the John Lee version.
No, Brienne went from "Bry-Eeen" to "bree-anne" and several other names changed. Many voices changed, Sir Roy didn't listen to his old work before working on 4 and 5. But again, since the Lannister voices were left untouched I was ok with it after digesting it for awhile.
Probably had something to do with the decades between completed books. Okay, maybe not decades, but close. After so many years...
Company I-1, Ord-Ords '85 -12thFan and Websider-
McInnis 03
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Absolutely DCPD....my only complaint is it's so easy to listen to your old work and get a vibe for the old voices.
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Absolutely DCPD....my only complaint is it's so easy to listen to your old work and get a vibe for the old voices.

I agree. I was really just taking a backhanded jab at the pace of GRRMs writing.
Company I-1, Ord-Ords '85 -12thFan and Websider-
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Does anyone think Arya will be able to wear the faces of people she kills in Westeros? Or is it some type of magic that is only usable while you're actually part of the FM?
If I recall correctly, she went through a painful procedure in the book that either attached a face she could reuse or allowed her to use faces. My thought/hope is that the whole train wreck of the waif v arya scenes was to get her back to the HoBW where she would not only "add a face" to the wall, but take one as well. Best case scenario would be having her head back to the Frey Castle, get hit on by Lord Frey (who likes young brides/girls) and have her reveal herself prior to putting the pointy end of needle through his heart. Even better, as he laying dying (because you usually die of serious stab wounds), inform him that she poisoned the water supply of the castle and that all his kin will be dead by nightfall.

My biggest disappointment of the Arya/Bravoos TV story was the exclusion of her realizing the ability to warg into cats while she was blind. I think that would have given added "realism" to her defeating the waif in the dark with a mortal stomach wound, sepsis, and broken ankles.

In regards to my ******* Bowl predictions, my hope is that it is not the Knights of Vale and Littlefinger that save the day. Although, the season trailer does appear to show Littlefinger in the godswood of Winterfell possibly meeting with Sansa and mystery figure. I would prefer that HR show up out of no where with an army that helps turn the tide. Maybe not even with an army but with proof of R+L=J and/or Robb's will which leads several of the houses supporting the Bolton's to flip sides. Another possible scenario involves some potential foreshadowing from Roose Bolton. Ramsey flays Rickon and other houses, realizing he is a "mad dog", turn on him.
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McInnis 03
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Many have wondered if the Umbers will turn on Boltons.....I can't help but think with all the "The North Remembers" stuff that minus 3-4 houses, they're all going to turn on Bolton.
Swing Your Saber
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Arya not warging after losing her vision was my biggest disappointment with that book to show changes as well. That & stab wounds, sepsis, ect...
Swing Your Saber
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That's my expectation, houses defect to the Starks at/during the battle.
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That's my expectation, houses defect to the Starks at/during the battle.
The key to this is that Jon has to show his side CAN WIN. No one is going to flip from the winning side to the losing side just to get killed.
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I just want someone to show up with a decree from Robb, legitimizing Jon as King in the North, then see the other houses fall in line behind a Stark King, chanting King in the North, and whomping some Bolton ass.
Swing Your Saber
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After talking to a show watching, non book reading, coworker:

Where Danny initially lands (this is only based off what we know now & expect, as things change this will as well):
W/Dragons she can land just about anywhere & be successful.

35% Kings Landing (area): Varrys has contacts & friends, can quickly get "the lay of the land" & w/Dragons they may feel they can take power quickly. Also from a narrative stand point it might work to expedite her conquest.
30% Dorne: From a strategic standpoint it puts her with possible allies who hate the current powers. From a dramatic standpoint it gives relevance to an otherwise forgotten plot.
25% Someplace else: For reasons to numerous to list.
10% Dragonstone: From a strategic standpoint it makes sense & gives her the Golden Companies role; however on the Show I think they just let that area die w/Stanis.

Where Varys is going now:

40% Kings Landing (area): Varrys has contacts & friends, can quickly get "the lay of the land," it ties him back in with his book role (killing Kevan ect...). From a narrative stand point it puts him in the thick of intrigue, allows him to influence events, & is an area show watchers are already familiar with/invested in.
35% Dorne: From a strategic standpoint it puts him with possible allies who hate the current powers. From a dramatic standpoint it gives relevance to an otherwise forgotten plot. Also most of the same reasons for kings landing.
25% Someplace else: For a variety of reasons.
Swing Your Saber
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That's my expectation, houses defect to the Starks at/during the battle.
The key to this is that Jon has to show his side CAN WIN. No one is going to flip from the winning side to the losing side just to get killed.

I agree 100%. Maybe manderleys or Umbers switch causing others to as well. Maybe lots of them hang back & after Jon gets a victory they take his side.
Swing Your Saber
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I'm down
McInnis 03
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I just want someone to show up with a decree from Robb, legitimizing Jon as King in the North, then see the other houses fall in line behind a Stark King, chanting King in the North, and whomping some Bolton ass.

In the books I keep waiting for that decree to cone into play
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In the show with the Umbers having handed over Rickon and hating Wildlings are unlikely to switch...Lord Too Fat to Sit on a Horse however will likely switch.

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
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In the show with the Umbers having handed over Rickon and hating Wildlings are unlikely to switch
The only thing that gives me hope was their refusal - with Rickon as a distraction - to swear fealty to Ramsay. But yeah, handing over Rickon doesn't bode well. I have faith though.......
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In the show with the Umbers having handed over Rickon and hating Wildlings are unlikely to switch
The only thing that gives me hope was their refusal - with Rickon as a distraction - to swear fealty to Ramsay. But yeah, handing over Rickon doesn't bode well. I have faith though.......
All true, but the Umbers had Osha, Rickon's servant/protector and a wildling, captive for the same amount of time as they were in possession of Rickon. They didn't kill her. Why? Sounds like the Umbers have hatched a plan with Osha (RIP) and Rickon as willing participants.
Company I-1, Ord-Ords '85 -12thFan and Websider-
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In the show with the Umbers having handed over Rickon and hating Wildlings are unlikely to switch
The only thing that gives me hope was their refusal - with Rickon as a distraction - to swear fealty to Ramsay. But yeah, handing over Rickon doesn't bode well. I have faith though.......
All true, but the Umbers had Osha, Rickon's servant/protector and a wildling, captive for the same amount of time as they were in possession of Rickon. They didn't kill her. Why? Sounds like the Umbers have hatched a plan with Osha (RIP) and Rickon as willing participants.

I feel like there would have to be some better plans out there than handing over Rickon and Osha to Ramsay. Seems pretty risky
McInnis 03
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Since in the books Wyman Manderlay is looking for a reason to switch (Rickon), the show would definitely follow on that path with Jon or Sansa being his reason.
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Wait, so you think Dany is going to land in Dorne? The ONLY kingdom that has NEVER knelt to the Targeryans? That's literally the LAST place in Westeros where they would find common folk that are sympathetic to the Targeryan name. Remember, it is the MARTELLS who have beef with the LANNISTERS, not necessarily the people of Dorne having any beef with the Baratheon king who has continued to stay the F out of Dorne.

The last time a Martell got mixed up in Kings Landing, he got killed. And the last time a Martell got mixed up with a Targeryan (Elia Martell) she also got killed. I think the Sand Snakes are likely to stay out of any plot that involves helping a Targeryan re-take Kings Landing.
Inspector Spacetime
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You don't think the Sand Snakes would be pretty pumped about a female ruler? I feel like the SS taking over Dorne is more likely to help Dany than it is anyone else.
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Elia was in love with Rheager though... so the Targs and Martells had a pretty good relationship most likely.

The mountain, who at the behest of Tywin Lannister, killed Elia and her kids.

They would probably be happy to help a Targ who wants to kill Lannisters.
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Rhaegar insulted the Martells and Elia by running off with Lyanna. I remember reading somewhere that the Dornish contingent commanded by Prince Lewin (who was in the Kingsguard and died at the Trident) was only provided when Aerys pointedly reminded Dorne that he had Elia as a hostage. As a result they have no reason to particularly love the Targs.

That said they have every reason to hate the Baratheons and Lannisters...but by the end of the season there may only be a couple of those left.

In the books it is unclear what the impact on Dorne from the Quentyn BBQ would be...one of his companions was blaming Dany for marrying Hizdhar. And if the Aegon actually was Elias son, that would naturally perk their interest.

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
Swing Your Saber
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As presented in the show, I think Dorne supports Danery. They have largely glossed over the whole Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken aspect & explicitly stated the Martels were married to a Targaryn. Plus, as stated, the Sand Snakes (as presented on the show) may love the idea of a female ruler for Westeros.
Swing Your Saber
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Anecdotally, the only casual* show watcher I asked about this thinks Dorne liked the Targaryans. Moreover , they were oblivious to Dorne going unconquered, or any slights Targaryans had performed. I don't know if that has any relevance, but maybe the show in consolidating plots pulls them together.
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Elia was in love with Rheager though... so the Targs and Martells had a pretty good relationship most likely.

The mountain, who at the behest of Tywin Lannister, killed Elia and her kids.

They would probably be happy to help a Targ who wants to kill Lannisters.
Right, "in love" until Rheagar ran away with Llyanna Stark. How did that work out for her? Point being, Dorne has never really bent the knee to a Targeryan king when all the other kingdoms have. If Dany is looking for common folks who believe she is the rightful heir to the trone, she won't find them in Dorne.
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