I'm not convinced Wilis saw the death of Hodor. He heard Meera yelling "hold the door" over and over, and somehow, bran being linked to both present and past crossed up Wilis's wiring. If he saw the events of his death, why would he ever go anywhere with Bran later in life?
Personally, I hate these kind of time travel loops b/c they usually make no sense. Is Wilis the only one that can "hear" Bran's present state b/c he has an older version of himself with Bran? Why doesn't random chicken farmer hear what's going on and go crazy?
For your first question I think there are several viable answers:
1) His brain is fried and he doesn't consciously remember anything from that future self just some basic primal need to Hold the Door
2) Hodor/Wyllis isn't a coward. He was described as being strong and gentle and is show to be reluctant or even fearful of causing harm to others (likely due to his strength) but there is no reason that he could not have accepted his fate and chosen to meet it possibly even knowing the importance of the role he will play. This would imply that he is cognizant of the events at least immediately around the time of his death.
3) It's a manifestation of his loyalty and love of the Starks. He has seen Bran since he was born and feels the need to protect him.
Personally I think it is a combination of 1/3 ... I believe that Hodor saw his death but it effed his brain up so badly that he doesn't remember it just the importance of holding the door. Also regardless of whether or not he knows Bran is present at the time of his death he is too loyal to abandoned him
I do not think that Hodor comprehends his death and has nobly chosen to meet it head on.
For your second questions. I think that Wyllis can hear Bran because of the amount of focus Bran is exerting on Wyllis. This is some what indicated in the ToJ scene where young Ned very obviously heard Bran to some degree but continued on. At that moment Bran was focused on his Father and was able to project his thoughts through the intervening years, but on a normal trip through the past where he is not directing his will at a single person he can't be seen or heard.