842,574 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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I hope like hell the book is different for sh@ggy

They haven't mentioned aryas wolf clan terrorizing the riverlands

It's frustrating to me how in the books and the show, fire wolves actually do very little
But get killed.

Just ready for the Starks to DO SOMETHING
The Debt
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Eff that. I want littlefinger to make his play.

I can see him stoking the martells hatred.

Or finally see the tyrells take down cercie.
Thomas Ford 91
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How was Ned considering a dead baby? Are you saying he was in on the plot to save him?

Weren't the Rhaegar kids killed after Ned made the decision to put Robert on the throne? Tywin had them murdered to prove fealty to Robert, right? I don't recall that Robert was even in the city when Ned captured the Red Keep.

In prep for TWoW, tonight I'm starting a complete re-read, maybe 1-2 chapters a night. I'll post the parts about the "who should be King" dilemma as I come across them.
Brian Earl Spilner
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So Ned took KL, not Robert? Interesting. I thought after the Trident, Robert went to take KL and Ned took his guys to the ToJ.
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Weren't the Rhaegar kids killed after Ned made the decision to put Robert on the throne? Tywin had them murdered to prove fealty to Robert, right? I don't recall that Robert was even in the city when Ned captured the Red Keep.

In prep for TWoW, tonight I'm starting a complete re-read, maybe 1-2 chapters a night. I'll post the parts about the "who should be King" dilemma as I come across them.
Loyalist army loses the Battle of the Bells, giving the advantage to the rebels
Robert kills Rheagar at the Ruby Ford and essentially wins the war
Lannisters under Tywin beseige King's Landing
Mad King starts to burn city with wildfire and Ser Jaime killls him
Lannisters take and sack Kings landing, with the Mountain killing Rhaegar's wife and kid(s?)
Eddard arrives in King's Landing with a really big army
Eddard et al go to Dorne and kill some Kingsguard
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So Ned took KL, not Robert? Interesting. I thought after the Trident, Robert went to take KL and Ned took his guys to the ToJ.
ToJ was months later.
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Weren't the Rhaegar kids killed after Ned made the decision to put Robert on the throne? Tywin had them murdered to prove fealty to Robert, right? I don't recall that Robert was even in the city when Ned captured the Red Keep.

In prep for TWoW, tonight I'm starting a complete re-read, maybe 1-2 chapters a night. I'll post the parts about the "who should be King" dilemma as I come across them.
Loyalist army loses the Battle of the Bells, giving the advantage to the rebels
Robert kills Rheagar at the Ruby Ford and essentially wins the war
Lannisters under Tywin beseige King's Landing
Mad King starts to burn city with wildfire and Ser Jaime killls him
Lannisters take and sack Kings landing, with the Mountain killing Rhaegar's wife and kid(s?)
Eddard arrives in King's Landing with a really big army
Eddard et al go to Dorne and kill some Kingsguard

Which book is all of this history in? I recently started reading the books.
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Which book is all of this history in? I recently started reading the books.
Scattered though all the books. Martin tends to drop bits and pieces of history into recollections and conversations.
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Weren't the Rhaegar kids killed after Ned made the decision to put Robert on the throne? Tywin had them murdered to prove fealty to Robert, right? I don't recall that Robert was even in the city when Ned captured the Red Keep.

In prep for TWoW, tonight I'm starting a complete re-read, maybe 1-2 chapters a night. I'll post the parts about the "who should be King" dilemma as I come across them.
Loyalist army loses the Battle of the Bells, giving the advantage to the rebels
Robert kills Rheagar at the Ruby Ford and essentially wins the war
Lannisters under Tywin beseige King's Landing
Mad King starts to burn city with wildfire and Ser Jaime killls him
Lannisters take and sack Kings landing, with the Mountain killing Rhaegar's wife and kid(s?)
Eddard arrives in King's Landing with a really big army
Eddard et al go to Dorne and kill some Kingsguard

Ned actually leaves Kings Landing to lift the siege on Stirms End and then goes to Tower of Joy.
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Loyalist army loses the Battle of the Bells, giving the advantage to the rebels
Robert kills Rheagar at the Ruby Ford and essentially wins the war
Lannisters under Tywin beseige King's Landing
Mad King starts to burn city with wildfire and Ser Jaime killls him
Lannisters take and sack Kings landing, with the Mountain killing Rhaegar's wife and kid(s?)
Eddard arrives in King's Landing with a really big army
Eddard et al go to Dorne and kill some Kingsguard
Ned actually leaves Kings Landing to lift the siege on Storms End and then goes to Tower of Joy.
Lots of events fit in the gaps of the basic chronology, but that IS a big one.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Thanks for that timeline.
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The strife between the Starks and the Lannisters began when Ned showed up at KL. 1 - pretty sure he woulda killed Jamie if he had his way since he broke his sworn oath. 2 - I think it is heavily foreshadowed in the books that Tywin didn't want to give up the throne room when Ned broke in, but seeing Ned's host Tywin relinquished it.
McInnis 03
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The world of ice and fire

This almanac is extremely detailed
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Eddard went to Dorne to get his sister pissed at Robert for sanctioning the killing of the Targ innocents. His sister's condition reconciled them.
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Weren't the Rhaegar kids killed after Ned made the decision to put Robert on the throne? Tywin had them murdered to prove fealty to Robert, right? I don't recall that Robert was even in the city when Ned captured the Red Keep.

In prep for TWoW, tonight I'm starting a complete re-read, maybe 1-2 chapters a night. I'll post the parts about the "who should be King" dilemma as I come across them.
Loyalist army loses the Battle of the Bells, giving the advantage to the rebels
Robert kills Rheagar at the Ruby Ford and essentially wins the war
Lannisters under Tywin beseige King's Landing
Mad King starts to burn city with wildfire and Ser Jaime killls him
Lannisters take and sack Kings landing, with the Mountain killing Rhaegar's wife and kid(s?)
Eddard arrives in King's Landing with a really big army
Eddard et al go to Dorne and kill some Kingsguard
Minor corrections: The Lannisters arrived at the gates of Kings Landing as allies, not foes. They arrive just ahead of the Starks. Then once the mad king opens the gates they sacked the city. Ned arrives just afterward to discover Jamie sitting on the iron throne. Jamie, of course, had just killed the mad king prior to him burning the city. But Ned didn't know that...
Al Bula
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The world of ice and fire

This almanac is extremely detailed
great read so far. I'm plowing through it little by little.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Loyalist army loses the Battle of the Bells, giving the advantage to the rebels
Robert kills Rheagar at the Ruby Ford and essentially wins the war
Lannisters under Tywin beseige King's Landing
Mad King starts to burn city with wildfire and Ser Jaime killls him
Lannisters take and sack Kings landing, with the Mountain killing Rhaegar's wife and kid(s?)
Eddard arrives in King's Landing with a really big army
Eddard et al go to Dorne and kill some Kingsguard
Ned actually leaves Kings Landing to lift the siege on Storms End and then goes to Tower of Joy.
Lots of events fit in the gaps of the basic chronology, but that IS a big one.
If you want a pretty full timeline I found this:

1) The Tourney at Harrenhal. Rhaegar and Lyanna fall in love. Eddard and Ashara Dayne fall in love (rumoured). Jaime is appointed to the Kingsguard and Tywin resigns the Handship
2) Rhaegar and Lyanna take off together. Robert and the Starks see it as an abduction. (My note...this is almost 1 year after the tourney).
3) Brandon Stark, on his way to marry Catelyn, goes instead to KL with Elbert Arryn (Jon Arryn's heir) and others where he threatens Rhaegar. Rhaegar is not at KL. He is at the Tower of Joy with Lyanna (speculative, see note A).
4) Aerys takes Brandon and his companions prisoner and demands that their fathers come to their trials.
5) Except for Brandon's squire Ethan Glover, the sons and fathers are killed, including both Starks and Arryns. Rickard and Brandon Stark are killed in a particularly cruel and bizarre fashion.
6) Aerys sends for Eddard and Robert, at the time staying at the Eyrie. Jon Arryn refuses to send them and raises his banners in revolt. Starks, Arryns and Baratheons lead the revolt. This is the start of the Rebellion.
7) Battles of Summerhall. Shortly after raising his banners, Robert wins three battles in one day and brings prisoners back to Storms End. Robert converts Lords Cafferen and Grandison from supporters of Targaryen to rebels.
8) Lord Tyrell and most (all?) of the Reach remains loyal to Targaryen, as does Dorne, though Aerys suspects them and reminds them that he has Elia as hostage. Lannisters and Tullys are still uncommitted.
9) Things start to get hot for the Rebels in the South. Robert attempts to take Ashford Castle as a bulwark against Highgarden but is defeated when the siege is relieved by Randyll Tarly and Mace Tyrell. Robert moves North (with his army?), leaving SE to Stannis. Loyalist forces under Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwyne besiege SE. (Events at Ashford speculative, see note B)
10) Jon Arryn agrees to marry Lysa Tully in return for Tully support in the Rebellion [33],[55]. (Tully marriage timing speculative, see note C)
11) Battle of the Bells. While fleeing North to rejoin Eddard and Jon, Robert is trapped in Stoney Sept by Aerys' Hand, Lord Connington. Eddard and the allied Tullys attack Stoney Sept. Robert emerges from hiding to join battle. Denys Arryn killed in battle. Rebels win a great victory. They then return North (speculative, see note D).
12) Eddard marries Catelyn and Jon Arryn marries Lysa at the same time. Eddard and Jon return to war. (Tully marriage timing speculative, see note D)
13) Rhaegar returns to KL from the South and starts mustering an army. Barristan Selmy and Jon Darry rally Lord Connington's troops at Stoney Sept. At Aerys' command Lewyn Martell takes command of 10,000 Dornishmen marching up Kingsway.
14) North of the Trident are Starks, Arryns, Tullys and maybe Baratheons. South of the Trident are Rhaegar's newly mustered army, Lewyn Martell's Dornishmen and the troops Jon Darry rallied at Stoney Sept, 40,000 in all including 4,000 knights. Tyrells are still maintaining siege of SE. After close to a year of siege, Davos brings some fish and onions.
15) Battle of the Trident. The Rebels defeat the loyalists in the key battle of the Rebellion. Rhaegar is killed. Robert is wounded. Remnants of Targaryen army flee South to KL. Eddard pursues.
16) At Aerys' command, Ser Willem Darry takes the Queen and Viserys to DS.
17) Lannisters siege of KL. Aerys lets them into the city and they betray him. Jaime slays the King after he orders his Hand, Lord Rossart of the pyromancers, to incinerate the city. Jaime also kills Rossart. Amory Lorch and Gregor Clegane kill Elia of Dorne, Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon. Eddard arrives at KL.
18) Robert arrives at KL sometime later. Robert and Eddard fall out over killing of Rhaegar's children. Eddard goes South to fight last battles alone.
19) Eddard raises the siege of SE. Tyrells surrender to Eddard.
20) Eddard, Howland Reed and 5 others reach the Tower of Joy. They kill Ser Oswell Whent, Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne, all of the Kingsguard. Inside Eddard finds Lyanna dying in her bed of blood and promises her something.
21) Eddard takes Ser Arthur's sword Dawn to Starfall. Ashara Dayne throws herself into the sea.
22) Daenerys' mother dies giving birth to her. Targaryen fleet is smashed in a storm. Stannis builds a fleet to assail DS. Ser Willem Darry flees DS with Viserys and Daenerys before they can be betrayed.
23) Eddard and Robert are reconciled over Lyanna's death. Eddard returns North, picking up Catelyn and his son Robb on the way. He also has Jon Snow with him.

Note A. Rhaegar and Lyanna at the Tower of Joy.
Rhaegar is not at KL when Brandon Stark comes calling. The next we hear of him is when he returns to KL from the South after the Battle of the Bells. Eddard finds Lyanna at the Tower of Joy. I speculate that Rhaegar was enjoying himself at the Tower from the time he abducted/eloped with Lyanna until the Battle of the Bells. I further speculate that Lyanna stayed there for the duration of the Rebellion. When Rhaegar returned to KL, he left his three Kingsguard behind to guard his newborn or soon to be born child.
Note B. The Siege of Ashford.
The strategy at Ashford is mostly speculation. Since the battle was won mostly by Randyl Tarly's van we can assume that Robert was in possession of the field before the battle and was driven off by Tyrell. We can further assume that Robert would have been greatly outnumbered by Tyrell's entire host since he was defeated by just the van. If Robert had held the castle before the battle he would likely have retreated inside when faced with overwhelming numbers of foes or when the battle turned against him. Also, Ashford is sworn to Highgarden so Lord Ashford was likely a loyalist. From this I speculate that Robert was attempting to take the castle from the loyal Lord Ashford when Mace Tyrell arrived to relieve the siege. I speculate that Robert's reason for taking the castle was to provide a defence to the Stormlands against attack from the Reach.
Note C. The Tully Marriages.
We know from that Hoster Tully fought for the Rebels at the Battle of the Bells. Jon Arryn must have at least agreed to marry Lysa by this time, thus securing the Tully swords. However, the wording of [33] seems to suggest that Jon Arryn's cousin had died at the Battle of the Bells before the double wedding. I am therefore provisionally putting the betrothal before the BotB and the wedding after. This is an uncertain timing at best.
Note D. Aftermath of Battle of the Bells
At the Battle of the Trident the Rebels were on the North bank. Robert was fleeing North when trapped in Stoney Sept. Jon Darry rode to Stoney Sept after the battle to rally the defeated loyalists. Since Jon Darry would not have ridden to Stoney Sept if the Rebels had still been in the vicinity I speculate that the Rebels had moved on. Since Robert was going North when he was trapped and Rebels later show up North of the Trident, I speculate that the Rebels moved Northwards.

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1) The Tourney at Harrenhal. Rhaegar and Lyanna fall in love.
I feel the obligation to point out that, while pretty heavily implied, this is still unverified. There is still the small possibility that Rhaegar did kidnap her against her will. Granted, it's a very, very small possibility.
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I'm still going to say that Targaryen blood had little to do with Robert's rule. The whole point of a rebellion is to remove a current regime. You don't simply go put that family back in charge or use that family's bloodline as justification. The smallfolk probably have no idea of who is related to who in the whole of Westeros. Ned and Robert are two young charismatic leaders and Ned doesn't even want the throne. He wants his sister. Robert is this badass who just defeated the man many considered to be the best fighter in the world and successfully defeated the King's army. The main households have bent the knee which means you have them under control. At that point they simply decide who gets the throne. Jon Arryn as hand helps belay fears of a young king with his wisdom.
Zombie Jon Snow
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1) The Tourney at Harrenhal. Rhaegar and Lyanna fall in love.
I feel the obligation to point out that, while pretty heavily implied, this is still unverified. There is still the small possibility that Rhaegar did kidnap her against her will. Granted, it's a very, very small possibility.

Yeah I just mostly copied what he wrote - a few small edits I noticed.

But yeah, the fell in love is unconfirmed for sure. He could have kidnapped her and she later fell in love or had a Stockholm Syndrome type thing. Or maybe they did fall in love then. We never got any indication that they spent time together outside of or after the tourney. That would be interesting though, and I doubt we ever know any more about the time between the tourney and the "kidnapping" but it was about a year apart and presumably they had no contact in the interim. Perhaps they had secret communication, but that seems like it would be hard to keep secret in Westeros.

Al Bula
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You don't simply go put that family back in charge or use that family's bloodline as justification.
Henry VII Tudor says hello.

Like Robert, he had a royal claim through a female descendant. Most important, Henry VII had the supporting army but also the right heritage.

But please tell us more about your royal succession beliefs in a fictional story.

It's just a damn story.
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One of the influences for GOT is alleged to be the war of the roses. All the major players could trace lineage to royalty.
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Prepare. The Starks are coming
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This might sound crazy, but septa unella has a great figure.
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There's the letter
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Damn. That whole pushing the braziers over was done so cheesily.

But dany's plotline FINALLY gets interesting again!
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And now we are getting somewhere
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This is the worst season yet.
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Interested to see what the Umbers and other Northern families do when they learn Sansa is with Jon.
El Hombre Mas Guapo
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I loved that ending...

Danny is the only true Queen
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I loved that ending...

Danny is the only true Queen
the fire stuff was cheesy
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[No name calling on this board. -Staff]
The Dog Lord
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This is the worst season yet.

Uh, I actually thought the episode was much better than I thought it would be. We had a stark reunion for the first time (and it was done in the first few minutes), they're about to try and retake Winterfell, something is finally about to happen in King's Landing, the Knights of the Vale are finally getting into the game (and Sansa will be confronting Littlefinger about Ramsay in the process), Dany just burned some Khals and gained yet another army in the process (plus this part of her story won't go on any longer), etc.

Edit to include OSHA being killed, Tormund eye-****ing Brienne, etc.
marble rye
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This episode was fan-****-ingtastic. Maybe some of you need to find a new series. I loved Dany burning all the khals.

Lol: "Aggo got his head bashed in with a rock. F*** Aggo."

"...their perfumed asses. I will go and take their horses for myself."

Damn, the khals were great entertainment this season.
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