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your mom...

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Brian Earl Spilner
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What is the conflict? Does anyone actually root for the Lannisters or the Mountain?
Does anyone root for the Sparrows?
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Please go comment on my thread, "Game of Thrones - Helping a Corn dog"

I really need some help.

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What is the conflict? Does anyone actually root for the Lannisters or the Mountain?
Does anyone root for the Sparrows?
By default in hating the Lannisters. Sure Jamie has redeemed himself, but what did Cersei ever do beside be a crazy ass arrogant ****. Tommen is boring and weak. And Jof may have been the most hated character of all time.

The North Remembers

And if the hypothesis about Reed being the high sparrow was true, I bet a lot of people would change their tune real quick.
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By the way, I totally don't buy the high sparrows speech about where he came from.

That dudes feet are WAY too gnarly to have recently started to not wear shoes. If he was some high to-do cobbler from a big city, SOMEONE would know who he is.
Brian Earl Spilner
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And if the hypothesis about Reed being the high sparrow was true, I bet a lot of people would change their tune real quick.
It's not.
Brock Sampson
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This may have been talked about already, but has anyone looked closely at the scenes for next week? Can you tell if that is a sigil on the front of the Night's King armor?
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And if the hypothesis about Reed being the high sparrow was true, I bet a lot of people would change their tune real quick.
It's not.
And you know this how?
marble rye
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Bc BES is the expert on any show or movie he takes an interest in. It is known.
Brian Earl Spilner
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This convinced me otherwise:
Brian Earl Spilner
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Bc BES is the expert on any show or movie he takes an interest in. It is known.
Maybe just more so than you. Problem?
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Zombie Jon Snow
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And if the hypothesis about Reed being the high sparrow was true, I bet a lot of people would change their tune real quick.
It's not.
it simply cannot be.

He was at the Tourney at Harrenhal.....literally a thousand people would recognize him many of which are in KL now.

Jaime for one (ok he left early, but still he likely met or saw him).

But you have to understand also that....not just the knights listed were at the Tourney. There were many many many spectators AND many many many servants of the knights and royalty there.

All 4 Stark children were there (Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna, and Benjen) it would make sense other families were there.

Others who were there for sure and are alive (some only in books):

Mace Tyrell - in KL again now
Jon Connington - book only
Lord Yohn Royce - the guy overseeing Robyn
Ser Richard Lonmouth - book only
Lord Eon Hunter - present at Tyrions trial by combat in the Vale

other families there:
Dustins (Barrowton), Hornwoods (Moose), Mormonts (Bear) and Manderlys (Mermen), Freys (Two Towers), Blounts (Porcupine) and Haighs (Pitchfork)

I find it logically nearly impossible that he would not be recognized.

marble rye
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Maybe Howland Reed made a deal with the Faceless Men via the Iron Bank. The Lannisters owe as does Kings Landing. Maybe he's changed his appearance.
Brian Earl Spilner
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That's a stretch.

It's great for the Lannisters to be getting their comeuppance but it's just such an elaborate plan that could've gone sideways so many ways, and with little to no evidence to support it.

For one thing, how could he have guessed that Cersei would arm the Faith Militant?
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I have wondered how everyone else in Westeros is supposed to find out about/believe R + L = J
Zombie Jon Snow
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This convinced me otherwise:

I think you stopped watching about halfway through....

the last half from 6:30 on completely tears down the idea and concludes with:

"...doesn't have any strong evidence and is pretty implausible in a bunch of ways. There are some tantalizing facts that "kinda" back it up but all those factors are still compatible with the simpler one, that Howland Reed is still in the North and that the High Sparrow is just what he seems"."

also about this idea as a thought out plan, it says:

"The biggest problem is it doesn't make sense as a plan. For the theory to be true Howland must have sat down during the war and with winter coming and decided that the best plan of action was for him to go wandering through the Riverlands on foot performing religious ceremonies for a foreign religion (keep in mind he is of the old gods, and would have to have studied the faith of the seven diligently to pull this off) until he manages to become the leader of a popular uprising and then become the High Septon a position with sufficient power to strike at the crown...all the while hiding his identity and faking faith. Like seriously????"

How could that be a plan? You can't just make a popular movement happen or create it and it also relies on the political instability existing by the time he does become High Sparrow to then become High Septon and take control basically at the behest of Cersei herself. The number of variable in that plan is staggering.

Brian Earl Spilner
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The video convinced me he's NOT Howland Reed.
Zombie Jon Snow
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The video convinced me he's NOT Howland Reed.

ahhhhhh....gotcha. wasn't clear (to me....i didn't look at prior posts/context).

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Has anyone ready the chapters for Winds of Winter posted on GRRM's website?
Are they fair game to discuss freely here?
The Debt
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I have purposefully avoided TWoW chapters GRRM has released. And I have avoided reading conversations of those chapters on TAs.

I think there are some like me who want to read TWOW as one piece of lit, not 8 separately released chapters, then the final 59 chapters printed.
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I would prefer not to discuss teaser chapters here - I like reading the books as books, not random chapters - but I'm not sure if that's agreed upon consensus.
Urban Ag
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What is the conflict? Does anyone actually root for the Lannisters or the Mountain?
Over Westboro Baptist? Yeah probably

Brock Sampson
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Looks like a large S possibly?
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The only argument I have with this, is that...

who met Howland during the tourney and possibly before? We don't know if he was housed by a different lord do we? Let's assume, not and that he lived at home with family and then went to the tourney... sure he met a lot of people... it seems as though he was in his late teens or early 20s at that time. He met a few people, but let's say he met 75% of those that you posted.... and who of those people as actually had face to face interaction with the high sparrow? MAYBE Mace Tyrell that's a big maybe too. No one else has had an interaction with him, easily creating the possibility that people don't recognize him. Plus after ToJ he never came out of Greywater Watch, ever as the books say. So how would people recognize a man, of little to less importance that they met ONCE in their entire life, that they haven't seen in 20-30 years?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Looks like a large S possibly?
North of the Wall, it means hope.
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Looks like some sort of symbol or figure, but I can't really make it out.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Took me a second, but I got it.
marble rye
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I have wondered how everyone else in Westeros is supposed to find out about/believe R + L = J

G Martin 87
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There's a much simpler reason why the HS can't possibly be Howland Reed: he's too old.
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How old is Reed supposed to be?
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Ned's age
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There's a much simpler reason why the HS can't possibly be Howland Reed: he's too old.
stress, Steve Martin hair and way too many years in humid areas??? Gives the appearance of added age.
Al Bula
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The entire howland reed high sparrow theory has been perpetuated by fat ass pasty cellar dwellers.

This is the kind of crappy fan fiction idiocy which develops when an author can't finish a series in 20 years.
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