Resurrecting THE PROJECTION LIST and I need some TexAgs feedback…

37,141 Views | 408 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by LeFraud
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Definitely not for the tl;dr crowd, but for everyone else willing, I'd really appreciate whatever feedback you guys can offer…

For those who may not remember, a couple years back, I had a site called The Projection List that featured ONLY movie release dates. One long page and that was it. I created it because there wasn’t - and still isn't - a go-to site dedicated to movie release dates. There are plenty of release date calendars out there, but they all either look like they were designed in the late-‘90s, require too much navigation, or don’t tell you exactly what you want to know. So what I tried to do was put the entire movie release schedule on one page, with no navigating, no nonsense. Just clean and simple and to-the-point.

The problem was, I didn't invest a dime, had no ads/revenue, and was using the extremely-limited iWeb to host/update. At it’s most popular, the site was getting around 500 hits a day, and a lot of industry-types and movie-bloggers were using it in meetings and for reference, but it wasn't anything near what I wanted it to be. It got to the point where I just couldn't justify the hour or two per day it took to keep it updated, especially doing so for free.

But ever since I took down the old version, I still get all kinds of requests to get the site going again, and the itch has definitely remained to properly resurrect it and do the ultimate, bells-and-whistles version I've always imagined. As many of you know, I'm somewhat obsessed with release dates, so I figure if I can utilize that obsession and hopefully make some money on the side, it’d worth the investment. As long as what I'm envisioning isn't technically impossible or too expensive. But, as of now, I've decided to go all-in on this thing.

It may be lofty, but my goal is to create the go-to site for movie release dates. Something not only the entire industry uses, but something the average Joe movie goer uses as well. While keeping it as utterly simple, clean, stylish, and user-friendly as possible. Something that separates itself from all the other popular, but horrible-looking movie sites out there.

Ultimately, the site would essentially act as a filter to other sites. You click on the film’s title, it takes you to its IMDB page. You click on “RT%” at the far right of the film’s listing, it takes you to its Rotten Tomato page. You click on “Trailer” next to that, and a YouTube window for the film’s trailer drops down in-site. So it’s not necessarily it’s own database, but more of an easily-organized, at-a-glance information filter. Then, if you want to dig deeper, you can via the links. What I'm doing is simply organizing & presenting all the info that’s out there in a way no one else is, and then guiding you further down the rabbit hole if you so choose. I just didn't want to build my own database of rabbit holes, so I'll let those respective experts keep doing their thing, and direct the user to them.

All that being said, I've still got a lot of kinks to iron out.

First of all, imagine the mock-ups below to be far more professionally-designed. A way cooler header design / title logo, slightly more intuitive main menu, drop down menus, better fonts, better color scheme, overall better look, etc. I was mainly just going for operational functionality with these mock-ups and then I'd work with actual professional designers here in LA to make it all truly pop, coordinate, and function correctly.

But before I get to that point, I need some basic look and functionality feedback. Specifically, as it pertains to the actual movies listings themselves…

I've shown these mock-ups to a few close friends and industry-types, and the majority really like them / think it all essentially works as-is. But a couple of people have said, upon first glance of the first page, that it’s almost an information overload. They feel that instead of seeing just the film’s title and release date, the other categories (specifically, Studio, Genre, Format, Rating, and Runtime) are all too much and unnecessary. They want that info to be there, just not upon first-glance. In other words, when you initially come to the page, they want the only categories to be Date, Movie Title, Trailer, and RT%. Then, if you want to see the other categories, you can click on them and they'll appear and you can sort by them. I agree to an extant, but my main issue with that is it would make entering in each listing infinitely more complicated on my part and would definitely disrupt the spacing/order, which I've already analyzed to death. I’ve done it the way it currently is for a hundred different reasons. But if a majority of you also feel that it’s too much, let me know. It’s people like you I'm essentially making this for (though, the industry-types who want to see all this info at once will be a big audience as well).

Other than that, I hope the rest of the mock-ups are self-explanatory. Instead of describing each one and every functionality, I'd rather you guys just see it as you would coming to the site for the first time and then let me know your general thoughts from there. Only other disclaimers I'll make are that, for the movies, I've used summer 2014 as a sample, and for TV, I've used spring 2014 as an even smaller sample. Just so there's no confusion. That, and for all pages, the header/menu would stay locked at the top of the page, while you could scroll up/down or jump to a specific year. Every listing would all be on one page.

What I ultimately want to know is if you'd use this site on a regular basis. But any other notes, wants, changes, questions, etc would be greatly appreciated. After I've gathered enough feedback, I'll hopefully start interviewing web design companies early in the new year and then go from there. If doable and if affordable, my goal would then be to have this thing fully functional and up and running in time for the summer movie season, first week of May.

In the meantime, I'll obviously be around to answer any questions...


*** EDIT ***

Settled on a "final" look to give to the designers, so I'm taking down all the old mock-ups. Would rather they not be floating around for the next couple months while the site is being built.

Again, just wanted to tell everyone who contributed & critiqued how much I appreciate it. Really, I had no idea how valuable this exercise would be, as the final product will be a direct result of many ideas in this thread.


[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 12/16/2013 12:56p).]
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Sex Panther
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That looks great man, and yes I would use it all the time.
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Much appreciated, SP. Great to hear.
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But a couple of people have said, upon first glance of the first page, that it’s almost an information overload. They feel that instead of seeing just the film’s title and release date, the other categories (specifically, Studio, Genre, Format, Rating, and Runtime) are all too much and unnecessary.

I completely disagree with them. I like it the way you have it plus it's one less click into the site. The information you have is exactly what people need to see at first glance on something like this.

If I were to remove something it would be the Studio - the average Joe doesn't care at all who made the movie nor does it impact their decision to go see a movie. I would say that's more of a videophile piece of data. Conversely, I would assume your core audience are videophiles who care about it but if this thing becomes the gold standard then it may become unnecessary to have above the fold.

I think it looks great and I would immediately bookmark your site.
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On Format:

Are you going to have a legend explaining the differences between the various types of IMAX? That would be hugely beneficial since most people have no idea what the differences are.

Also, I would consider including the newer audio formats coming online such as Dolby ATMOS. We have a theater here in Dallas that opened this year with ATMOS that I will definitely be checking out The Hobbit in.
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Agreed. If I had to lose one category, it'd be Studio. But like you said, it's more of videophile/industry thing, and it's a category that really is super-helpful for industry people.

Either way, good to hear that the info doesn't feel too cluttered or overwhelming upon first glance. I really do feel like every other category there now is "essential," and I wouldn't want to have to lose anything else.

This definitely helps. Thanks a ton for input.
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very nice, clean look. one way perhaps to reduce the info like the industry guy requested might be to make things like genre and studio viewable on mouseover?

i'd definitely use it. currently use IMDB's "coming soon" list, but it's not very elegant.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Re: the IMAX formats and sound - that's a good idea. I doubt it'd be information I include with the listings, simply because wouldn't have the room. It's already as tightly packed as I can get it. But I could definitely have a drop-down menu or key or something with the different definitions/explanations of the formats. Maybe I could even color code the IMAX labels or something to correspond to 70mm, LieMAx, etc.
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one way perhaps to reduce the info like the industry guy requested might be to make things like genre and studio viewable on mouseover?

I've thought about something along those lines. Each title / line of info will "highlight" / change color when you run your mouse over it, so maybe that "extra" info could stay hidden until visible with the highlight.

That just might work, but I'll have to see how it'd potentially look when in a different category mode.

Either way, good idea. Thanks!
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Btw, are the main categories confusing for anyone? For instance, does THEATER-TO-HOME and HOME/FIRST-RUN make sense upon first glance? There are obviously descriptions for both, I'm just hoping they're explanatory enough.

I tried 400 different combinations of words (On Demand, VOD, Home-Exclusive, etc), but "First-Run" was the only official moniker that didn't have any overlap and truly described movies that are first released on digital/VOD/cable/etc, and don't go to theaters.

Maybe "Non-Theatrical" is better? Though, I originally had "Theatrical" instead of "In Theaters" and it confused my entire family. I thought it was obvious, but they all thought "Theatrical" meant like overly dramatic movies or something. So maybe average-Joe-user would think the same. I'd maybe have to say something like "Not In Theaters," but that doesn't have quite the same ring as "Non-Theatrical."
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Just me but first-run does not in any way make me think of "straight to video"
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^ Gotcha. That's been the toughest category to label, without outright saying "straight-to-video," which I want to stay away from. "Non-Theatrical" may be the way to go...
Rex Racer
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IMO, you have done a great job with your design. It's clean and modern looking. And I think you are displaying just the right amount of information.

I would use it all the time, as well.

If you could have each movie link to local showtimes, I think that would be great, too.
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Thanks, Rex. I appreciate that.

And yeah, I wanted to have a "Tickets" column that linked to each film's respective Fandango page, but I basically ran out of room. It'd be tough to have user-specific local listings, though. But if we happen to have the space when doing the final design, I'll definitely include the extra column. Though, then Fandango won't have any incentive to want to buy the site from me
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For the TV Series page, would it be possible to break that page up and choose a network from a dropdown and only show the release dates for that network? That could potentially be a lot of TV shows to scroll through just to get to the one you want. I recognize the Control F usage, but just a thought. I personally like organizing by network.

[This message has been edited by Marsuvees (edited 12/9/2013 5:20p).]
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Otherwise that is beautiful and easily replaces IMDB for my release date usage.
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I'm eager to hear what redstone thinks of it.
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For the TV Series page, would it be possible to break that page up and choose a network from a dropdown and only show the release dates for that network? That could potentially be a lot of TV shows to scroll through just to get to the one you want.

Yeah, I could probably have a dropdown menu and list each channel, then also have an "ALL" choice as well.

Though, it really won't be as many shows as you might think. I'm only doing the major cable networks /distributors for now...

- Showtime
- FX
- Netflix

Basically, only the short-form, more "cinematic" shows/channels. Keeping track of the network stuff would be a full time job in and of itself, but I may track a couple of the more popular/relevant ones. We'll see. Either way, each of those cable networks airs only two or three relevant shows at a time, if even that. So I'd likely be tracking less than 15 shows at a time - a list that wouldn't be all that long in Channel view.

Plus, if I do single pages for channels, to keep it uniform, I might have to do single pages for movie studios as well. Then again, because the Studio view is going to be a fairly long list for each, maybe a single page view studio/channel view is the way to go. Will definitely make a note of it and talk with the designers.

Wouldn't have thought of that otherwise, so thanks!
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Ah I see, then that wouldn't be an issue. I thought we were including ABC, Fox, etc.

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[This message has been edited by Marsuvees (edited 12/9/2013 7:17p).]
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I love it, and would use it all the time. But I think "Theater-to-home" should be changed. Seems unnecessarily complicated for the average guy who doesn't read Variety every week.

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Awesome, thanks.

But what would you call movies that were in the theater and are now being released to Blu-ray, DVD, digital, and VOD? "Home Video" sounds ancient, and "Theater-to-Home" is actually something I made up. It's not an industry term or anything like that. The problem is, when a movie is finally available out of theaters / in the home, it's on multiple formats. So I need a moniker than essentially sums up all formats. "Theater-to-Home" was the best I could come up with (for now).
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Looks great!
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I've been trying to think of something better since my original response, and you're right...nothing sounds good.

What about "Home Release"?
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Also, will you be doing the (sometimes) later release dates for Redbox/Netflix?
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^ Thought about that, but it could be confused with what I'll likely call "Non-Theatrical" (formerly "Home/First-Run"). "Home Release" could easily be for movies coming exclusively to the home first. It's tricky...
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I doubt I'll be doing the later Netflix/Redbox thing. It's basically going to be a list for when titles are first available to buy, not rent. Now, if a title is available on iTunes a couple weeks ahead of its Blu-ray release, I'll list it twice, otherwise, I'm only going to list titles when they're FIRST available. I think it'd be too much to keep track of all the Netflix/Redbox dates as well. Me being the only one running the site, I have to draw the line somewhere. Maybe down the line...
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I hadn't that about though, so thanks for bringing it up. You guys are definitely helping me analyze every single angle, and it's been a HUGE help so far.
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I feel like the titles of the individual movies could be a little bit bigger and easier to read. Overall looks pretty good and I would definitely use this site, though.
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^ It's standard 12-point font (same as iTunes and stuff like that), but I know what you're saying. Will appear bigger on normal/actual screens. But if I can squeeze all the info in there at 13-pt, with out it looking too stuffed, I definitely will. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 12/9/2013 9:53p).]
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first of all, great work, definitely would get lots of use out of this, i get most of my updates from texags (mainly you) as it is. with that said, i agree that i would make the studio information "mouse over" and maybe the same with length of trailer, just to help make it a little less cluttered, again, personal preference. also, im not sure "fri" needs to be listed on there either, if there was a case of a special day of the week release, you could just mark that particular film with "wed/thur", whatever.

I doubt I'll be doing the later Netflix/Redbox thing. It's basically going to be a list for when titles are first available to buy, not rent. Now, if a title is available on iTunes a couple weeks ahead of its Blu-ray release, I'll list it twice, otherwise, I'm only going to list titles when they're FIRST available. I think it'd be too much to keep track of all the Netflix/Redbox dates as well. Me being the only one running the site, I have to draw the line somewhere. Maybe down the line...

in regards to this statement, the main thing i (and i would assume many users) use netflix for is to catch up on tv series. it would be great to know when a tv series is listed/updated or even removed from netflix...again, me just being selfish i guess.

great work
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Looking for investors?

I genuinely appreciate the interest, but my dad and I are covering it as of now. Knowing next to nothing about how much something like this would cost, ballpark figure, we're looking to stay in the $10K range or less. I did a bit of research on that front, and it looks like there are three or four tears of site costs: $3K-$10K, $10K-$25K, $25K-$50K, and then $50K+. Surely what basically amounts to some spread sheets, a logo & menu design, and a blog can't cost all that much. But who knows. I could see this getting a bit more complicated than that. And I definitely want the best guys I can get on this thing.

Don't know if it'd be worth it if it were anything over $15-20K, I'd just have to see. At this point, I really have no idea how ads work either, but I'm not planning on really having any for the first six months or so while I work out the kinks and build an audience. Then, if it gets to be popular enough (which I think it could be), my ultimate goal would be to go to the studios and try to get movie-only banner ads or something like that. Maybe the most prominent movie releasing any given week has an ad on the site for that week. Until then, I keep hearing about Google AdSense, but don't know much about that yet either.

I'm just concentrating on the design/functionality for now, then I'll start really looking into costs/ads here in a month or so.

Will definitely let you know if anything changes, though. Thanks.
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