Batman vs. Superman

317,338 Views | 2333 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
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I don't feel like the first movie was terribly overcrowded. But you would think the industry would have learned from Spiderman 3 that too much is not a good thing.

I think the Lois love story was definitely rushed, as was the Lois discovery of Sup's secret identity. So, in that sense they crammed too much in. IMO, if the first movie was strictly introducing Clark/Superman (with a brief introduction of Lois at the end), it would have been a much better movie. Despite its flaws, I did like Man of Steel, I just think that they crammed too much in there by not only introducing Lois but ALSO having her discover his true identity AND fall in love with him.
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I can see that
Fat Bib Fortuna
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This becomes something of an international incident as other nations view Superman as a tool of the United States. China, for instance,
doesn't want him in their air space

I believe the US' official response in this situation would be "Tough effing sheet, China."
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Follow up tweet from Devin...

Devin Faraci@devincf
Batman's origin is the key to WHY Batman & Superman team up after their initial fight.

So, what we've learned is that Batman's origin is the opening of the movie - likely part of an opening credit sequence of sorts - then we jump to Affleck's Bruce Wayne arriving in Metropolis in some way during the climactic Superman/Zod Fight from last movie. From there, we cut to two years later, and catch up with the characters in present day...

Lous and Clark are living together, with Clarke objecting somewhat to the stories he's forced to cover at The Daily Planet. He instead wants to be covering/researching this mysterious Batman character he's heard of (who I assume is back in Gotham by now, but who knows). Either way, I actually really like the set-up here: Batman doesn't trust this alien who's come to Earth, so he goes to Metropolis to investigate. Clark then likely hears whispers of this vigilante Batman character, and ends up covertly investigating him as well. One uses his detective skills, the other his journalist skills, and they investigate each other. There's a lot of distrust and covertness going on here, which I kind of love.

Throw in Luthor, who's helping to rebuild Metropolis after the events of the last movie, and is potentially painted as somewhat of a savior/philanthropist of sorts, at least initially. Batman's "cover" for investigating Superman is Bruce Wayne, who presumably teams up with Luthor in some way to also help with the clean-up. Luther and Wayne even share a mutual distrust of Superman, which is also cool, but you can tell that their business philosophies/practices will be totally different, and could be a nice source of conflict as well. Eventually, Wayne will no doubt uncover some sinister Luthor plan (involving Doomsday), and then finally team up with Superman to take him down (a team-up which also in part has something to do with Batman's origin, apparently).

Honestly, this all sounds pretty organic to me, and I like the drama/conflict potential. As long they keep the Wonder Woman / Aquaman / Flash cameos to a minimum, which is what they're doing apparently, I'm fully on board with the broad strokes of this basic plot. Hopefully not only has Superman learned from the mistakes of the last movie, but the filmmakers as well...
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Actually having some higher hopes for this and this comes from someone who enjoyed MoS
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Batman's origin is the key to WHY Batman & Superman team up after their initial fight.

That has me more nervous than optimistic. What about Batman's origin would have any bearing on him teaming up with Superman? Do they hug it out over being a pair of orphans? Or will they do something really dumb like make Lex Luthor the Waynes' killer?
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^ Of all this news, that's the one thing I'm nervous about as well. Surely they won't go down that road again after the '89 Batman did it (essentially).
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I guess DC is doing variant covers this month, and the theme is famous movie posters. As in Superman and Wonder Woman in the movie poster for Gone With the Wind. Some are pretty good.

And there is a link at the bottom of the article to the second page of variant covers.
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Batman's origin is the key to WHY Batman & Superman team up after their initial fight.

That has me more nervous than optimistic. What about Batman's origin would have any bearing on him teaming up with Superman? Do they hug it out over being a pair of orphans? Or will they do something really dumb like make Lex Luthor the Waynes' killer?

I bet Luthor will be mixed up in it. They are portraying him as a street tough, remember.
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Batman's origin is the key to WHY Batman & Superman team up after their initial fight.

That has me more nervous than optimistic. What about Batman's origin would have any bearing on him teaming up with Superman? Do they hug it out over being a pair of orphans? Or will they do something really dumb like make Lex Luthor the Waynes' killer?

I bet Luthor will be mixed up in it. They are portraying him as a street tough, remember.

Good point, but the ages don't line up at all. Luther is at least 10 years younger than Wayne in this movie, if not more. Maybe Luthor's eventual gang is the one to off the Waynes? Either way... ugh.
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Why would they depict Luthor as a street tough when there was already an Easter egg in MoS showing a fuel truck(?) with his name on it? In other words, that signified he's already a corporate tycoon. Was it his dad's company and he's a black sheep in this version?
Sex Panther
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Yeah a street tough? I thought they were depicting him as an evil Zuckerberg.
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^ No, he apparently grows up on the streets like in a gang or something, and his history will be referenced. When we meet him in the movie, he's already insanely rich/powerful. He's like a super-evil Zuckerberg, basically.
Sex Panther
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So what's his background? How does he go from a youth gang banger to a multi billionaire at age 30?
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So what's his background? How does he go from a youth gang banger to a multi billionaire at age 30?
I bet he somehow got a hold of alien Krypton technology through luck and was able to capitalize on it and got rich.
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So what's his background? How does he go from a youth gang banger to a multi billionaire at age 30?

No clue. Nothing's leaked in that regard yet. All we know is that he was raised on the streets, but when we meet Luthor, LexCorp is essentially the Google of this world. From the set descriptions, the LexCorp offices sound an awful lot like Hooli from Silicon Valley or something.
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So what's his background? How does he go from a youth gang banger to a multi billionaire at age 30?
I bet he somehow got a hold of alien Krypton technology through luck and was able to capitalize on it and got rich.

I think that's part of it. I think he makes his money long before, but Luther is definitely in possession of Kryptonite in the movie, and that's apparently one of the reasons Wayne "buddies up" with him, to get access to it.
Sex Panther
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That just reminded me how excited I am for Silicon Valley to return
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So what's his background? How does he go from a youth gang banger to a multi billionaire at age 30?

What, you can't see Jesse Eisenberg putting out a few rap albums and investing in a sports energy drink?
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Superman has to use journalism to investigate Batman?
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Good point, but the ages don't line up at all. Luther is at least 10 years younger than Wayne in this movie, if not more. Maybe Luthor's eventual gang is the one to off the Waynes? Either way... ugh.

I thought of the age differential, too, which hopefully means no Luthor-Wayne murder connection, but they could pin it on one of Luthor's associates or something lame like that.

I wonder if kryptonite will be an established weakness of superman's in this movie, or if Luthor will unveil it as an ace up his sleeve. If they go the route of wonder woman being another kryptonian (as hinted at by the empty cryo tube in MoS), I could see them having her as Luthor's captive who he's been experimenting on to find all superman's weaknesses. (Hopefully they don't go this route, but it would explain her being in the movie.)
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So what's his background? How does he go from a youth gang banger to a multi billionaire at age 30?

He created facebook...
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The Fight sounds promising, although with Snyder that's usually not a worry:

"Look, at Warner Bros., they are very strict, so I can't say much, but it's no surprise if I say Batman and Superman come face-to-face in the movie. It's one of the most important sequences and I was actively involved in the design of the fight: the exchange of punches and the physical movement were put together with my partner Ryan Watson.
There's a thought that Batman has no chance, that the other [Superman] will squash him like a bug. But when you see the movie, and how it all comes out, there's a very intelligent explanation as to why they would have a firsthand confrontation though it seems to be totally to Batman's disadvantage
Just imagine, it was like making dulce de leche (a similar thing to chocolate here in Argentina). Now Batman it's going to fight the way I've always dreamed seeing him fight he's a character so prepared in martial arts that you can do a lot of things with him, but filmmakers usually don't go all the way with it. Even in the last Nolan movies the action scenes aren't very good from a technical, martial arts point of view to things like choreography, filming, bad camera movements
But hey, don't get me wrong, Nolan is great, I would kiss his shoes. He makes fascinating stories, but I think that he did not pay too much attention to the fights. Those are the kind of details that Zack, being so physical himself, loves preparing. I think there's going to be a big difference when you see these Batman fights in comparison to the previous ones."
Sex Panther
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But hey, don't get me wrong, Nolan is great, I would kiss his shoes. He makes fascinating stories, but I think that he did not pay too much attention to the fights.

I definitely agree with this. Batman is a super ninja. Hard to imagine Affleck pulling that off, but yeah Snyder should be able to deliver in that department.
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The way you have to think of DC Batman is the best possible human being. Physically able to perform Olympic level feats, the best tactical mind in the world, and the best hand to hand fighting skills ever for a human being.

That guy loses to superman easily, but could suprise him a time or two.
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My concern is that it'll be like the fighting sequences in 300 - fast/normal action broken up by sudden slow-motion punches, kicks, dodges, etc. I didn't mind it at first, but I've since tired of that technique. I think its way overused by unimaginative filmmakers, and for me it's actually detrimental to the scene. Those slow sudden cut-ins break up what would otherwise be good fight sequences. Plus, I just can't imagine that technique lending itself to a Batman/Superman fight.

But, I don't remember Snyder doing that in Man of Steel, so here's hoping he sticks to the style he established with that film.
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My concern is that it'll be like the fighting sequences in 300 - fast/normal action broken up by sudden slow-motion punches, kicks, dodges, etc. I didn't mind it at first, but I've since tired of that technique. I think its way overused by unimaginative filmmakers, and for me it's actually detrimental to the scene. Those slow sudden cut-ins break up what would otherwise be good fight sequences. Plus, I just can't imagine that technique lending itself to a Batman/Superman fight.

But, I don't remember Snyder doing that in Man of Steel, so here's hoping he sticks to the style he established with that film.
I don't recall Snyder really going back to that schtick since 300. Maybe in Sucker Punch, but they didn't do it in Watchmen either I believe (there were slow-mo parts, but not in and out like 300).
Fat Bib Fortuna
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The way you have to think of DC Batman is the best possible human being. Physically able to perform Olympic level feats, the best tactical mind in the world, and the best hand to hand fighting skills ever for a human being.

That guy loses to superman easily, but could suprise him a time or two.
He only surprises Superman if Superman lets him. Let's face it, Superman at his peak could pick Batman up and throw him into outer space without Batman even realizing Superman was there.

Either he's got some sort of technology to slow Superman down or Superman is not trying hard.
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But hey, don't get me wrong, Nolan is great, I would kiss his shoes. He makes fascinating stories, but I think that he did not pay too much attention to the fights.

I definitely agree with this. Batman is a super ninja. Hard to imagine Affleck pulling that off, but yeah Snyder should be able to deliver in that department.

Batman is not a ninja, he's incorporated numerous styles into what he does. He's much more of an MMA style fighter with a specialty in quick takedowns from strikes or grappling. Calling him a ninja is a disservice to his level of skill as ninja's know almost nothing about grappling.
Philip J Fry
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Batman thinks of himself as a Samuri anyway.
Sex Panther
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But hey, don't get me wrong, Nolan is great, I would kiss his shoes. He makes fascinating stories, but I think that he did not pay too much attention to the fights.

I definitely agree with this. Batman is a super ninja. Hard to imagine Affleck pulling that off, but yeah Snyder should be able to deliver in that department.

Batman is not a ninja, he's incorporated numerous styles into what he does. He's much more of an MMA style fighter with a specialty in quick takedowns from strikes or grappling. Calling him a ninja is a disservice to his level of skill as ninja's know almost nothing about grappling.

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If done right, I think I can be on board with this. It's at least somewhat organic. Thoughts?
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Until I see an actual trailer, I just can't make myself care about this movie. I like Affleck a lot and hope Batman is cool, and I like'd MoS more than most did, I listened to the soundtrack on Spotify the other day and forgot how interesting it was.

But it seems rushed and just made to combat the Avengers at the box office, so I won't hold my breath.
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Doomday is a worthless character other than he is powerful enough to give you the death of Superman story arc, where you can explore what happens in that power vacuum.

This universe is nowhere near that stage. Using Doomsday as a villain in this film is a very bad idea.
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I feel like they should save Doomsday for the next stand alone Superman film, putting it here is way too fast
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