Batman vs. Superman

317,256 Views | 2333 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
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This team up has been done before . . .

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That's pretty cool that you guys have already seen the movie, saw the flimmakers' interpretation of Grayson, and can confirm that Driver was totally wrong for the part. Let me know next time you're invited to a screening before they start filming. Can't believe I missed out.

Seriously, though, remember Heath Ledger? I'm obviously not saying Driver is anywhere close to that level, or that this role is nearly as important as the Joker. I'm just trying to make the point that we have NO IDEA what this interpretation of Nightwing is going to be. Driver may end up being PERFECT for what they have planned - in the same way Ledger was perfect for that interpretation of the Joker - and God forbid, there is a chance you guys might actually like what they end up doing with him. Just because he doesn't meet your comic book expectations of the character doesn't mean he's "wrong."

The deeper question is, knowing what we know, and having already seen what we've seen before... how/why do you guys even care at this point? And trust me, I realize how completely contradictory what I'm about to say is to the paragraph above - but how on earth can some of you guys get this bent out of shape over something that was already so obviously doomed from the start? The only reason this movie exists is because these very same filmmmakers failed to deliver a truly compelling Superman movie. So they rushed in Batman to try and course-correct in a blatant attempt to ape the exact same thing Marvel is doing. Everything about this movie is a cash-grab, a second-rate facsimile. Nothing about it feels organic or from a place of enthusiasm or passion. I have absolutely no desire to see these filmmakers - and these iterations of these characters - build to some grand Justice League movie. I've already seen superheroes come together in The Avengers. I don't need to see a less-talented group of filmmakers attempt the same thing. I mean, what are you guys hoping for? What are you thinking will happen? That a crappy Superman movie from the same team will somehow set-up an awesome Batman vs. Superman movie? Which, in turn, will somehow set up some grand/amazing Justice League movie with your perfect dream versions of these characters? Could it happen? Sure. My only point is, what has given you guys faith so far that these movies will actually be worth a damn, and thus, that whoever they cast as Nightwing even matters?

At this point, all I'm hoping for is something different. And at least that's what Driver offers/represents. It gives me a glimmer of hope that they're aiming to potentially try something weird/crazy enough that it actually works. At least they're taking a chance. And if/when they fail, at least they'll be doing so spectacularly.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 11/9/2013 10:56a).]
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It should be noted, he is being considered. There are still others auditioning as well.
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^ This is true. It's not a done deal. Though, there is a reason that he's the focus of the story and the other two names aren't even mentioned.
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Because, despite massive disappointments in the past, the fact that Marvel has done right by most of their characters gives me hope that one day DC will figure how to not F it up.

And while I don't love the Affleck casting he's got a lot of the right physical attributes for the role, I didn't really love Bale either but he was the same way physically.

In contrast, a gangly 6-3 guy does not line up as a former acrobat for me. He could end up being great for whatever Snyder's vision of this character is, that doesn't mean I have to like it
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If it's any consolation, Driver was in the Marine Corps. Also, there's no rule saying this version of Grayson has to be a former acrobat.
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Kevin Smith on the new Batsuit...

“I saw the Batman costume. More than that, I saw a picture of [Affleck] in the costume,” Smith said. “Now I don’t want to give anything away, because that’s up to them and stuff, but I’m going to say this — I instantly bear hugged him. You have not seen this costume, in a movie, on film before. And for a comic book fan, it was mind bending.”

“Everyone always does this “Matrix”-y/'X-Men' black thing,” Smith said. “There wasn’t a single nipple on this f*ckin’ suit, man. It was fantastic.”

“I’m already, obviously, a flag waiver for the movie, but the costume blew my mind,” Smith added. “I’m so ******* happy, I think everyone is going to be like, ‘Holy ****.’ It’s its own thing. We haven’t been down this path at all.”
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I bet we are getting a blue or gray suit. The New 52 suit is a good bet.
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Adam driver is one ugly ass dude! He had better not be dick Grayson
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A short summary of Batsuit options:

Most of the talk about the new suit has suggested that it looks like the Noel suit, which is notable for its shorter ears, down-to-earth utility belt, and the biggest bat-logo of all time. It's gray with black gauntlets, cowl, and cape. Notice how low-tech it is, with the simple gloves instead of gauntlets. I really like this suit.

The washed-out, wintery style of the book makes the colors a little hard to see, so here it is on a maquette. Notice the little details, which are actually suggestive of the Arkham games costumes as well.

I actually think out best bet is to get a New 52 costume. WB made sure that Supes got a costume very close to his latest comic version. I not that this costume also (usually) has relatively short ears as well, and a bold, large logo on the chest, and is gray. The cape is longer and has scalloped end. It's very advanced-looking, but less so than the Dark Knight suit.

And again, on a maquette:

Recent Batman designs, and a desire to distinguish from the previous movies, will lead to a few key items in the new suit, I think:

1. Gray suit
2. Large chest logo with a more throwback rounded look
3. Shorter ears
4. A cape that buckles in front of the neck and covers the shoulders, and has a scalloped end
5. A more traditional utility belt with compartments for tools and gadgets

[This message has been edited by AliasMan02 (edited 11/11/2013 11:08p).]
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Nice, AliasMan02.

I can especially see that last iteration existing in a Zack Snyder universe. Feels like the Watchmen movie-version of Batman, and that's not a bad thing.
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There's actually a lot of similar themes between the Watchmen and some of the later Batman comics in how Batman sees himself fitting in with the Justice League teammates.

He eventually develops fail-safe plans to take out the other Justice Leaguers if they ever went rogue or started to abuse their powers. "Tower of Babel" is the comic that comes to mind first.

[This message has been edited by jeffk (edited 11/12/2013 10:48a).]
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Jeff, the recent Justice League Doom animated feature plays off that storyline as well. Should be on Netflix, worth the watch.

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Yeah, I watched it a couple months ago. It was good.
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He eventually develops fail-safe plans to take out the other Justice Leaguers if they ever went rogue or started to abuse their powers. "Tower of Babel" is the comic that comes to mind first.

This was apparently the basic plot for the failed '07 Justice League movie as well. The one that was completely cast and nearly started filming, but fell apart when the writer's strike hit. Nolan also had a hand in axing it, as he didn't want another Batman on screen while he was still telling his story (I don't blame him).

I have the script for both it and the original Batman vs. Superman movie written in '02, which Goyer is rumored to have potentially drawn from for the new version. Haven't read either draft yet, but if any of you guys want to, let me know and I'll send them out (from my spam account). Might be cool to see/discuss what aspects could carry over.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 11/12/2013 12:04p).]
Brian Earl Spilner
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Would definitely be interested in reading the BvS script.

[This message has been edited by Brian Earl Spilner (edited 11/12/2013 12:27p).]
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If you think about it, send me both. My email is in my profile.

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Sent to both of you.

Will be at my computer sporadically for the next couple hours, so if anyone else asks, I'll definitely send them out at some point today, just may not be immediately.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 11/12/2013 12:23p).]
Brian Earl Spilner
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Many thanks.
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I'd be interested to check it out actually, chrisfig at gmail. Thanks!
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^ Gotcha.
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Sex Panther
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This was apparently the basic plot for the failed '07 Justice League movie as well. The one that was completely cast and nearly started filming

I'd like to know the cast if you have that information
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And a couple good links I found on-the-fly with some background info...

Plus the Wikipedia blurb...

In February 2007, Warner Bros. hired Kieran and Michele Mulroney to write a script for Justice League,[5] which they handed in that June to positive feedback from the studio.[6] George Miller signed to direct in September 2007, while the studio hoped filming would start before the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. In addition, the studio was considering filming Justice League completely in motion capture, similar to Beowulf.[7] Barrie M. Osborne was to produce,[8] with a $220 million budget.[9]

Filming was supposed to start in February 2008,[10] in Australia, where post-production would also be conducted.[11] Some shooting was to take place at Sydney Heads, while local colleges were scouted.[8] Yet in January 2008, Warner Bros. announced the film was on indefinite hold, allowing an options lapse for the cast. The studio felt the script needed perfecting, which was impossible because of the writer's strike.[12] As soon as the strike ended, Warner Bros. wanted to start filming in mid-April 2008.[13] In February 2008 it was announced that production would go to Canada, despite Miller's wishes to keep production at Fox Studios Australia.[9] The Mulroneys were rehired to rewrite their script.[13]

Marit Allen was originally hired as costume designer, but she died in November 2007.[14] Weta Workshop took over costume design, a decision that opens the possibility of their sister company, Weta Digital, doing the visual effects.[15]

While a cast for the film was never officially declared, various news brokers were able to confirm a number of Miller's casting choices, for which he chose predominantly younger actors who he had hoped would "grow into their roles" over the course of a film trilogy.[16] In October 2007, roughly 40 actors and actresses auditioned for the League, among them Joseph Cross, Michael Angarano, Max Thieriot, Minka Kelly, Adrianne Palicki, and Scott Porter.[16]
The decision to cast lesser-known actors has received negative feedback from comic book fans on the internet.[13] A number of different actors were fleetingly associated with the project; Jessica Biel had turned down the role of Wonder Woman,[17] while Mary Elizabeth Winstead auditioned. Teresa Palmer and Shannyn Sossamon were also interested, while Christina Milian, a comic book fan, offered her services for the role.[18][19] Columbus Short turned down the role of Green Lantern, which rapper T.I. was also rumored for.[20]

From February 2007 until April 2008, the project was subject to rumors before eventually being put on an indefinite hiatus; in a recent interview, producer Joel Silver stated that Justice League "has been tabled."[21] In August 2008 director George Miller was quoted saying "the flick's production, initially planned for Oz, has been moved offshore, with a plan to resume filming next year."[22]

However, on August 22, 2008, The Wall Street Journal reported Warner's new plan to release four individual solo movies within the next three years before doing a multiple character movie, much like rival Marvel Studios did in 2005 when they announced similar plans that eventually led to The Avengers.[23] While Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov confirmed that one of those films will be a Superman reboot, it is likely that among the other three, there will be a sequel to the successful Batman movie The Dark Knight as well as two movies introducing fresh DC Comics characters to the big screen.[24] Since this report, a film about the Green Lantern was released in 2011, as well as a sequel to The Dark Knight in 2012, and Man of Steel in June 2013.

In December 2008, there were rumors that director Miller was off the project. They were dispelled by a representative of the filmmaker, however, describing the film's status as "being seriously worked on."[25] As of 2010, the film by George Miller has been canceled.[26]
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In short, it would have been an absolute disaster.
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I'd enjoy a look at that Justice League script.

Got it. Thanks!

[This message has been edited by Aggie_Journalist (edited 11/12/2013 3:24p).]
Sex Panther
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Oh god that would've been awful...

And who are the two guys on the end? Please tell me that's Dane Cook as Aquaman?
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Armie Hammer was Batman and they already had them working out and doing some preliminary stuff. I thought it was interesting that they had Hammer working away from the rest of the team so he wouldn't bond with the other actors. The director wanted him to be an outsider and loner.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I've read that Superman vs. Batman script. If you want to save 60 minutes of your time, I can just come to your house and punch you in the face for the end result. Batman shoots Superman with an arrow! SUPERMAN CANT DODGE AN ARROW?

The only good thing about the JL movie would have been John Stewart instead of Hal Jordan as GL.
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Sent, Aggie_Journalist.
Quad Dog
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Save yourself some time, and don't read this. I didn't make it too far.

[This message has been edited by Quad Dog (edited 11/12/2013 8:56p).]
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If you're going to read a rejected Batman script, it really should be the one that Michael Bay wrote.
Sea Pony 07
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When you've a moment, would you send me both scripts?

Got it, thanks.

[This message has been edited by sea pony 07 (edited 11/13/2013 12:52a).]
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Jackie Earle Haley?
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