yesterday afternoon posting on his friend's wall... "We won our semifinal game, play in the finals tomorrow night and then in the all-u tournament. I hope this makes the mighty pythonsssss look good"
next task...find out where that game is played
[This message has been edited by m-walker (edited 4/17/2007 1:57a).]
I bet if a call was placed to mom and dad that they know his cell phone number. And encourage him to turn himself in. Plus ensures they find out about their son's special ability to make extra drinking money.
If you are concerned about petty crime in College Station, you may want to consider emailing the following Director of Public Affairs at TI and alert her about what is going on
Bullard.. yea basically you got it right. He lives in CS according to myspace and facebook. We know he was on to us because he took the bows down off ebay, we dont know how he found out we were on to him.
texican wouldnt respond and we were pissed that our sleuthiness was not being utilized. so we stalked texican and found out all his info too . someone called him and he went to the house but the guy wasnt there apparently.
quote:People might have contacted him on ebay/facebook/myspace, or else he knows about this site
See that was my point about how he knew we were onto him. I too think its pretty obvious that he either posts here, or somebody that knows him posts here. Looks like we have an accomplice boys and girls!!!
PS thanks dantheman for breaking that down. I was pretty sure thats how things unfolded but just wanted to make sure I have everything in order.
[This message has been edited by bullard21k (edited 4/17/2007 2:15a).]