Well, I had the T in place. The E wasn't in spot 2, and there was not an S in the word. I knew that the E was going to be first, third, or fourth in the word. In general, my strategy is to try more vowels in subsequent guesses.
If the E was 1st, that's a very short list of words to try and the ones I could think of I was pretty sure had already been the wordle. So I didn't bother trying E-starting words.
If the E is 4th, that's either a triple consonant start like CHR or STR, but the S is out, so that limits those options. I don't go digging very long in my brain for all the possible options. For my 2nd word, I just want to get more letters on the board (incl a new vowel).
If the E is third, the word is either going to start with a double consonant that does not start with S or involve L, or a vowel. I went with the vowel option. If it hadn't been the solution, I would have either found or eliminated another vowel and R, narrowing down further guesses.