A few takeaways that I feel need to be cleared up.
1. Michelob Ultra is by far the fastest growing beer brand in the United States and has been for the last 3-4 years.
2. The chart showing sales growth from both Modelo and Michelob Ultra can be a little misleading. The Modelo bottles which significantly outperform the cans are way more expensive than a regular 12oz bottle and has continued to increase year over year. If I had to guess the actual volume growth of Modelo isn't near the growth of Michelob Ultra.
The older age group of beer consumers were extremely brand loyal. The younger more modern beer consumer doesn't have a 1/10 of that brand loyalty, which is why I personally think the golden years of the major brands (Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors Light) ended around 2008-2012. From my personal experience I think there will be a continuous decline of these brands.