jr15aggie said:
The Fife said:
GiveEmHellBill said:
Family's first computer:
My first CPU in college was a Compaq Presario like this one:

Ugh, thanks for the reminder of how miserable those things were.
Y'all too huh! Same here, my first "college computer". What a piece of crap!!! I had to use uninstall programs to remove as much of the compaq software as possible just to get it somewhat functional.
But hey, Q from Star Trek had a really cool FMV Intro when you first booted up the computer... it was completely kick-ass back in the day... and then my computer froze as soon as Q left and it tried to boot up for the first time. Suck it Compaq!!!
Even worse than owning one - I supported a few, including a friend with a somewhat newer one that had a Windows ME recover disc in a clear slot on top of the computer. She could not, to save her life, figure out how the hell you turn on the computer and insert the CD immediately so I ended up having to go over there and do it for her. IHNFC what she was trying to do, maybe push the CD eject button while it was still turned off then stand there baffled that the little drawer didn't come out. I honestly wouldn't have put it past her.
She's the same friend who I convinced putting the tower part of your computer higher up than the monitor makes it run faster because the when it builds up pressure on the electricity like how a water tower works. Next time I went over there it was, perched way up on a bookshelf.