I don't know how it can be argued that religion doesn't provide the greatest possible motivation. It literally promises you an eternity of awesomeness as a reward if your interpretation of it has convinced you that's the case. If aliens showed up one day and deleted the religion file from all our brains you'd certainly still have atrocities, you just wouldn't have the ones that are motivated by promises of eternal rewards.
Sure, if you're convinced. Everyone I listed wasn't. It may be the greatest possible motivation. I don't know how that can be definitive with the only measurable data being results - people killed. Political regimes in the 20th century killed hundreds of millions. They were motivated by greed, fear, power, control, security, economics, ethnics tribalism, etc... In a vacuum, I don't know if those influences are greater than a reward of eternal life. It's unique to each individual - the strongest motivator is the one that results in action.