Let's erase religion from the world, and I bet we'll see violence stop.
quote:Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong say hi.quote:Perhaps you're correct to some extent, but seems that the source of the problem is religion in general.quote:quote:
Religion of peace?
You have your extremist in every religious group...
That line no longer works. It's tired and misleading. Apologists have blood on their hands now, too.
quote:it very likely could be argued that from the time man first walked this earth until now that religion has been the driving force behind most innovation. I am not much into history and such but for all the "bad" you associate to religion there is a crap ton of good.quote:Correct, but my point is not that your religion or someone else's is bad. My point/belief is that the concept and practice of religion (including converting others) has had a negative impact on the masses throughout history, including this. That isn't to say that there has not been good accomplished (helping the poor for one), but overall it seems that attacks such as this one, and in history, have been carried out in the name or practice of a religion.quote:well aware. religion didn't make bad people bad.
and you might want to look at history and what was done throughout time in the name of religion.
quote:While this is true, this particular religion's extremists are currently sitting in first place for Worst Religious Extremists by a large margin. 1000 years from now Christians or Buddhists or followers of some religion that hasn't been invented yet could be in first, but in 2016 the Muslim extremists are the undisputed champs.quote:
Religion of peace?
You have your extremist in every religious group...
quote:Maybe we could set up a nation-state that is void of religion to stop the violence. Like China during the cultural revolution. Then nobody would die senselessly.quote:All of it.
Islam as a religion? Or, all religion?
and you might want to look at history and what was done throughout time in the name of religion.
So how do you solve the problem?
and you might want to look at history and what was done throughout time in the name of religion.
quote:I agree with this.
Religion is an important part of many cultures and is not in and of itself a bad thing. However, in my opinion, religious extremism of any kind is a form of mental illness.
And that brings up another point. How many people in Mexico have been killed over drug violence. No one is yelling, "Those damn Catholic Terrorists! Let's nuke them."
Religion is an important part of many cultures and is not in and of itself a bad thing. However, in my opinion, religious extremism of any kind is a form of mental illness.
The problem with Muslim terrorists is that they welcome death.
It's hard to control terrorism when the threat of death is not a deterrence.
Most other terrorism can be controlled by shooting back.
And the anti-Christian bigots pour out of the woodwork on this thread....
quote:Here you go:quote:
And the anti-Christian bigots pour out of the woodwork on this thread....
Shut up
I'm warming to the idea that having a belief system is hard-coded into humanity. For much of history, it's taken the form of religion. For followers of Lenin or Mao, religion was replaced with belief in the state. For many today, it's worshiping at the altar of science or environmentalism or whatever.
quote:i suspect that it is less encouraged by the Quran as it is "interpreted" by radicals and intentionally taught to the uneducated as a means of achieving what they cannot in this life.quote:
The problem with Muslim terrorists is that they welcome death.
It's hard to control terrorism when the threat of death is not a deterrence.
Most other terrorism can be controlled by shooting back.
Another problem is that this violence is also supported and encouraged by their book of faith and deity.
quote:Oh, so it only matters because they are claiming to do it based on religion. Those dummys should just stop saying that they are killing because of their religion and no one will be the wiserquote:
And that brings up another point. How many people in Mexico have been killed over drug violence. No one is yelling, "Those damn Catholic Terrorists! Let's nuke them."
Does anyone in Mexico claim to be killing in the name of the Catholic faith?
quote:Ironic username is ironic.quote:
And the anti-Christian bigots pour out of the woodwork on this thread....
Shut up