quote:that is the most unamused face I've ever seen on a person. You look like you were just Rick Rolled for the 16th time in a row.
Dang. Like taking it really back.
quote:that is the most unamused face I've ever seen on a person. You look like you were just Rick Rolled for the 16th time in a row.
Dang. Like taking it really back.
quote:I can't speak for FTI, but I'm just messing with you folks.
FTI and RTT have a far deeper knowledge of child indecency laws than I am comfortable with...
quote:That is high praise, indeed.
I was kidding mostly bc I feel old. My mom's pics turned out awesome and some of hers were featured by LSPU on theit site for a bit. She is 63 here.
(Do NOT make any mom jokes bc she is literally mother Theresa/ Donna Reed as one. )
quote:quote:I can't speak for FTI, but I'm just messing with you folks.
FTI and RTT have a far deeper knowledge of child indecency laws than I am comfortable with...
quote:That pic is the only time I've seen looking anything less than warm and beautiful. Don't be so hard on yourself, my friend.
I had resting b*tch face from birth.
Why are his abs misaligned? It's like the left side of his mid-section has Bell's palsy
2/10 WNB
beautiful horse
Do you offer riding lessons?
Soul: Stolen
He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!
beautiful horse
Do you offer riding lessons?
think I'll practice riding later
quote:What horse?
beautiful horse
Buttercups is young!
I'm not so young, but would be fun to give to my bf.