Coverage outkicked - check
Goofy Chi-Pet Hair hat - check
Really bad flavored beer - check
CT status confirmed!
quote:Walter Whitequote:So you knowingly and willingly have hair that looks like this?quote:
I think that's his real hair.
You would be right.
quote:I feel like whoever added the "tranny" section doesn't understand how graphs work...quote:
You will make some dude one lucky SOB one day!
quote:Why not? Looks fine to me.quote:I feel like whoever added the "tranny" section doesn't understand how graphs work...quote:
You will make some dude one lucky SOB one day!
quote:quote:I feel like whoever added the "tranny" section doesn't understand how graphs work...quote:
You will make some dude one lucky SOB one day!
quote:quote:I feel like whoever added the "tranny" section doesn't understand how graphs work...quote:
You will make some dude one lucky SOB one day!
quote:You have my phone number....
Damn, been trying to post good hollgan pics all night and this morning and my IMGUR won't work
quote:Such a strategically placed bevel. Holligans framed by an Aggie shirt!
If I can't upload... no PMs
But indeed... I did find your found number
quote:why do you ride for the MS society
If I got a $10 donation to the MS Society for every sock comment I got on Saturday, I'd be in the 300 club next year.
Damn, been trying to post good hollgan pics all night and this morning and my IMGUR won't work
quote:quote:why do you ride for the MS society
If I got a $10 donation to the MS Society for every sock comment I got on Saturday, I'd be in the 300 club next year.
quote:That's awesomequote:quote:why do you ride for the MS society
If I got a $10 donation to the MS Society for every sock comment I got on Saturday, I'd be in the 300 club next year.
I ride for my coworker who has MS, my college friend's mother who has MS, the many friends and MS Champions that I have met over the last 5 years participating in this ride, I ride as a team captain to encourage others to get involved in a cause. I ride because today I got an email about the latest research trials regarding Vitamin D and MS that the MS Society paid for. They spend their money effectively and they are making strides every day to end a disease that is debilitiating and unpredictable. I ride because research effecting this neurological disease can help not just those with Multiple Sclerosis, but many other neurological diseases as well.
Just to brag, over the last 2 years, the team I started and led has raised around 70k and still rising.