I will continue to support the team and the sport. I understand the need for change in America regarding a multitude of subjects. I wish whatever reform movement would move away from the anthem. Find another outlet. TAMU AND LSU both knelt together after the anthem along with coaches and officials. It was respectful and peaceful way to do so that didn't take away from the honoring of the flag. But they also had players doing it during the anthem for both teams. Pick one and I personally prefer the kneeling after and solidarity of message it gave. But that is just my opinion personally
As for the match I think the lineup has been set with the switch made midway in the second match. If this unit and come together and get a bit more offensive production from the middle with maybe an occasional 31 gap set when Rush is on the front row we should do well in conference. I think we can go undefeated in the fall. I think our depth is stronger than it has been in years and if coaching staff is willing to make switches in game when performance by a player or two isn't sharp I don't think their is a steep decline from starters to subs and maybe when someone is off the backup can provide a needed spark. Set location for middles needs to get a bit better but that means more in system play. Both teams struggled in the side out game this past weekend and that is usually an indication of poor passing. While I though LSU was poor in the serve receive game I didn't think we were as bad but still LSU scored quite a few more points on serve then a top 16 should have been scored on. Fox passing a bit and get better at first ball side out and get middles going especially in system
Wicked, I agree that there are less divisive ways to protest than to kneel during our national anthem but still show their feelings for what they think is important. I wish our coaches, and all coaches, could get this communicated to their players.