"Norwegian has announced that travellers on its domestic operations and on services between Norway, Sweden and Denmark will no longer be required to wear face masks, with reports suggesting other airlines in the region are set to follow suit."
Obviously not in the US, and airlines have no power to do so until the federal mandates are lifted, but Scandinavia is generally considered a a forward-thinking region. (Even apart from the controversies over Sweden's approach to COVID).
Little coverage of this outside of the travel writers frequent every night, so I suppose whether this becomes a "thing" will depend somewhat on even the reporting of it (as usual).
Obviously not in the US, and airlines have no power to do so until the federal mandates are lifted, but Scandinavia is generally considered a a forward-thinking region. (Even apart from the controversies over Sweden's approach to COVID).
Little coverage of this outside of the travel writers frequent every night, so I suppose whether this becomes a "thing" will depend somewhat on even the reporting of it (as usual).