The questions with Ivermectin prove my point that science is highly politicized. There are several "scientific studies" which purport to show Ivermectin an reduce the effects of Covid. There are others that show the opposite. Same with HCQ. Same with Remdesivir. Same with venting. Same with masking. Same with lockdowns.
Combine that with ever-changing narratives pushed by governmental agencies under the guise of "science" and it is no wonder people don't trust government proclamations regarding masking, vaccines, and virus spread.
Don't wear a mask changed to wear a mask indoors and outdoors, changed to wear two masks, changed to cloth masks work, changed to don't wear a mask if you are vaccinated, changed to wear a mask if you are vaccinated, etc...
Vaccines went from "they will protect you" to "they will protect you until there is a new variant", to "get a booster in 8 months", to "get a booster in 6 months", to "you can carry more virus vaccinated than unvaccinated", etc ...
This is why everyone just finds what confirms their own bias.