Can anyone ID this player or provide any info? Did he get a fastball to the face like Brodie or a linedrive like Macie or something else? I found it on another site and they said it was from the 1984 season.
I think if you zoom in on one of the eyes of a guy in the dugout, you might be able to see them looking at the player's number on his back. Hey... it works on TV!
UniWatch did something on facemasks in non-facemask sports awhile back. They would have loved this.
quote:1984 was Chandler's last season (MJ came in as an assistant for a year before taking over). It was the first year for the aTm caps.
This would also have been around the time Aggie baseball started to become a spectator sport. It was fairly soon after Chandler retired and Johnson arrived. Note the TAM on the caps. Chandler's teams wore only the block T.