I've got some Corps shots circa 1980 that I'll have to scan in. Meantime, here are some from NTC (Ft. Irwin, CA) circa 1986-1988.
Me and my BRAND NEW (we'd been in 151A2s) M998. Valley of Death, Ft. Irwin
My outfit. Firemarker Section, Fire Support Trainers (Werewolves), NTC Operations Group
More of our new HMMWVs (I was signed for every one of them, lol)
Some of my buddies at EOM. I'm second from the left. The guy third from the left is Ernie Utt. He later became an FA Battery 1SG and was KIA in Iraq in July 2004.
OPFOR BMP (Vismod M551 Sheridan) in a prepared fighting position.
Me at a "beach" party - Bicycle Lake Army Airfield. Note the TAMU Corps sweatshirt.
OPFOR Mi24 Hind (Vismod UH-1) helicopter gunship.
Rally point...just before moving out to mark notional overnight fires on the OPFOR.
[This message has been edited by DogCo84 (edited 7/15/2010 2:04p).]