I feel like this has been discussed before… anyone else notice that their heat pump is struggling to keep temperature up? I have mine set a 70 and every time I look at the thermostat it shows 69 or 68. Outside is about 25 right now.
Old School Brother said:
My fairly new heat pump has been doing fine when it's above around 15* outside. We only keep ours set between 65-68 during the winter, but it's had no problem with that. However, when it got down to single digits last night, it started not staying at 65. From what I read, when it gets that cold, heat pumps operating in normal mode periodically have to "defrost" themselves for a few minutes. During this time, your inside temp can drop a few degrees. I think during this time, they're automatically supposed to switch to the emergency heat to maintain inside temps.
When I manually switched mine to emergency heat, I had cold air coming out of the returns, which leads me to believe that something wasn't hooked up correctly when it was installed this summer. I need to get the company out to check to see why the emergency heat isn't working. Of course, by the time they come out, it will be warm enough that I won't need it anymore.
El_duderino said:
Yeah I will never use emergency heat since im too cheap to heat the house with just the heat strips. I will say that mine must not be set up right though as I have 3 5kw heat strips and it only ever gone straight to using all 3. I've never seen stage 1 or 2 aux heat being utilized.
There are people that set their heat to above 70?!
Lol. I am doing the exact opposite. I am tired of paying for propane. I have a heat pump at my ranch house and it works fine so I decided to put a heat pump in the new house we are building.Rattler12 said:
We got rid of a heat pump system years ago and went to propane heat ........a world of difference