As of last year, you had to own land in the community to even have the ability to join. And it was $100,000 to join the club and monthly dues were in the $3,000 a month range.
I got a patient who lives in the area and he said Jordan Spieth and Aaron Rogers have homes out there. Not sure how true that is.
Spieth owned a home there that Driftwood deeded to him, but he sold it 6 months later. It may have been a payment for work done on the practice facility. But I'm not 100% sure.
A friend of mine just completed his house there and spends about 80% of his time there. He loves the golf. He does say it needs to liven up some as it can get kind of boring. He does play with the comedian, Ron White, occasionally as he lives there too. I think I understood this correctly…the club owns a few seats in a box at DKR Whatever Stadium that members can use. He was telling me this as I was contemplating yardage and my mind generally goes numb at the mere mention of DKR Whatever Stadium so I may have misunderstood that part.