aggiebq03+ said:
Eliminatus said:
YouBet said:
I'm skeptical to say the least. This is sci-fi level stuff we are talking about.
If we are truly on the brink of quantum computing, then this is the biggest story of all time that has been utterly ignored. It will literally change the world.
I chalk it up to general apathy and insanely high level of understanding (comparatively speaking to the general public) to truly comprehend what is at play. This isn't even rocket science. This is a tier beyond that. Probably several honestly.
If it's truly quantum, isn't it basically using a multiverse computer to pull an answer back into our one single universe. The computer can check all answers at once, like running parallel binary programs in multiple universes and pull back the one we need. This breaks all understanding of how the universe works and cause/effect if it can be implemented.
To the normal person, it would definitely seem to break the normal rules of physics as we know it. However, we have been assured that it does not. That it is just an extension of our understanding. My monkey brain has a hard time accepting this though.
Without going to deep (Not even close to an expert), and just from my understanding, QC relies on quantum mechanics obviously. On a principle known as superposition. At the smaller than atomic level, stuff gets so weird classical mechanics can't account for things. Enter QM. At this level, physics is no longer deterministic but probabilistic. So we can never be quite sure where an electron is for example. But we can tell all the possibilities of where it can be. Which is the orbital of the atom. To us, for all intents and purposes, it is everywhere in that orbital at once. Then there are wave functions and observational constructs and blah, blah, blah. Things at this level can be everywhere at once and it is actually scientifically viable somehow.
It all boils down to a quantum computer using qubits (quantum binary bits) being in a state of superposition of 1 AND 0 simultaneously, meaning all the possible combinations of whatever is being computed is happening in real time. The magic comes when it is time to measure which then our observation collapses the possibilities until a value we can understand is left.
IOW: So when a QC is computing, all the possibilities in the qubits are present at once but the
values in the qubits don't actually exist until we observe, collapse those possibilities, and measure.
I think I got that sorta straight. At least the main idea. I've read up on it and even attended a couple of seminars and it still hurts my head.
ETA: All that above is literally the elevator pitch level of QC as I know it. Once I hit entanglement my mind grasped it and then it didn't and I stopped about there. That was one of the seminars I attended and I just couldn't intuit it from a lecturer I guess. It's fascinating stuff honestly but it is not my direct field and I feel like I just don't have the aptitude to really get into the weeds of it all.