Quantum computing - next tech gold rush or not?

8,662 Views | 49 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by ABATTBQ11
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What stocks should one be adding to capture this segment? A few I found include IONQ, RGTI, QUBT, QBTS

Remember this guy? I know he basically called the collapse of sava recently says the following regarding qc
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Add qsi
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Been hearing about Quantum lately. Following
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Been hearing about Quantum lately. Following
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Dont ask me on the timing

I sold QBTS and IONQ recently, before they both jumped 600% to 800%

I decided it was early. Something I've projected for a long time was the use of quantum computers in heslthcare for drugs, genetics...etc. I think its going to be a massive game charger.
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It does seem like the sector has had a massive run-up recently. It seems prudent to wait for a correction and settle before buying.
Diet Cokehead
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Can somebody explain what Quantum Computing is to a dummy?
Definitely Not A Cop
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Stolen from Reddit:

It's hard to describe how they work, but the heart of it is how bits work: in a normal computer, bits are either '1' or '0'; but in a quantum computer they can be '1' AND '0', in various mixes; which allows certain things you can't do with a computer.

In a lot of things, whether they are faster or not isn't certain. What they are very good at (at least in theory) is solving problems with lots of possible answers: if they work as advertised, they can check every possible answer at once. This means that non-quantum cryptography is useless against a quantum computer.

The problem is that qbits (those things that are somewhere between '1' and '0') are very unstable. Scientists building quantum computers have to isolate them from any kind of electromagnetic disruption, including the blackbody radiation from stuff around them (that's the infrared light that humans give off; or the orange glow of hot metal): which means no magnets anywhere near them, and they have to be cooled to near absolute 0.

It's like calibrating a nuclear explosion to destroy one house, without destroying anything else.
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I'm skeptical to say the least. This is sci-fi level stuff we are talking about.

If we are truly on the brink of quantum computing, then this is the biggest story of all time that has been utterly ignored. It will literally change the world.
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jamey said:

Dont ask me on the timing

I sold QBTS and IONQ recently, before they both jumped 600% to 800%

I decided it was early. Something I've projected for a long time was the use of quantum computers in heslthcare for drugs, genetics...etc. I think its going to be a massive game charger.
I bought 750 to 1000 shares each IONQ, RGTI, QUBT, QBTS and QTUM about six weeks ago and am up about 230% on the total. Now have 15% trailing stop losses on each just in case profit taking occurs....which I expect.

If they do kick out and continue to go down another 20%, I will buy back in. I think that on a five year investment window they are going to do well.

Did the same with three SMR stocks and did well.

Did the same with TESLA and NVDL, bought and sold each five or six times..

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From the Political Board:



Northwestern University engineers have achieved quantum teleportation over fiber optic cables already carrying Internet traffic, an advance that could simplify the infrastructure needed for quantum computing and advanced sensing technologies, the university is reporting.

The study, published in Optica, demonstrates that quantum communication can coexist with classical Internet signals in the same cable.

"This is incredibly exciting because nobody thought it was possible," said Prem Kumar, an electrical engineering professor at Northwestern and the study's lead researcher. "Our work shows a path towards next-generation quantum and classical networks sharing a unified fiber optic infrastructure. Basically, it opens the door to pushing quantum communications to the next level."
Trump will fix it.
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What does all this need?

Power supply.
Ronnie '88
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12thMan9 said:

What does all this need?

Power supply.
sarcasm? I think Quantim computing is the answer to the brute force super-computing going on now??
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Keep thinkin' grasshopper, keep thinkin'.
Ronnie '88
Marauder Blue 6
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12thMan9 said:

Keep thinkin' grasshopper, keep thinkin'.
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Now that's funny!
Ronnie '88
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It's Nukular dummy.
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The scary thing about QC is really how it will be used. Which will likely be cracking encrypted data first and foremost. Especially since China will most likely be the one to reach the finish line first. As a conservative estimate, I have seen it stated that a minimum of 6x the personnel and funding of the US has been pushed towards QC research in China and has been for several years now. One of the upsides of a homogenous totalitarian state I guess.

QC works. The issue we face with it right now, is how exactly do we use it and read the results effectively. It's like building a jet engine before discovering flight. My degree is in electronics and frankly, QC breaks my brain despite my research into it. It goes against everything I know to be true. My world revolves around binary while QC is both simultaneously. My brain flatlined when I hit entanglement.

All this to say, like most fledgling tech of this magnitude, there will be a few clear winners. The problem I see is that at least one of the major players is more likely to crash our financial world and the US dollar than try to profit from it. But I guess us little people can't do much about it, so pick a few at random and hope it works out for the best!
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YouBet said:

I'm skeptical to say the least. This is sci-fi level stuff we are talking about.

If we are truly on the brink of quantum computing, then this is the biggest story of all time that has been utterly ignored. It will literally change the world.
I chalk it up to general apathy and insanely high level of understanding (comparatively speaking to the general public) to truly comprehend what is at play. This isn't even rocket science. This is a tier beyond that. Probably several honestly.
Charlie Murphy
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Not as much as cloud storage draws.

Quantum is an absolute game changer, in that it's nearly impossible to predict what/how it affects most industries.

Keeping qubits in a steady predictable quantum state is extremely difficult. I semi follow this industry and am not sure what is causing the recent run up in some of these companies. For all we know, it's 20 years before quantum is realistically usable.
Welcome to the China Club

"Here's the pitch...POPPED it up! Oh man, that wouldn't be a home run in a phone booth."
-Harry Carey
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Eliminatus said:

YouBet said:

I'm skeptical to say the least. This is sci-fi level stuff we are talking about.

If we are truly on the brink of quantum computing, then this is the biggest story of all time that has been utterly ignored. It will literally change the world.
I chalk it up to general apathy and insanely high level of understanding (comparatively speaking to the general public) to truly comprehend what is at play. This isn't even rocket science. This is a tier beyond that. Probably several honestly.

If it's truly quantum, isn't it basically using a multiverse computer to pull an answer back into our one single universe. The computer can check all answers at once, like running parallel binary programs in multiple universes and pull back the one we need. This breaks all understanding of how the universe works and cause/effect if it can be implemented.
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aggiebq03+ said:

Eliminatus said:

YouBet said:

I'm skeptical to say the least. This is sci-fi level stuff we are talking about.

If we are truly on the brink of quantum computing, then this is the biggest story of all time that has been utterly ignored. It will literally change the world.
I chalk it up to general apathy and insanely high level of understanding (comparatively speaking to the general public) to truly comprehend what is at play. This isn't even rocket science. This is a tier beyond that. Probably several honestly.

If it's truly quantum, isn't it basically using a multiverse computer to pull an answer back into our one single universe. The computer can check all answers at once, like running parallel binary programs in multiple universes and pull back the one we need. This breaks all understanding of how the universe works and cause/effect if it can be implemented.
To the normal person, it would definitely seem to break the normal rules of physics as we know it. However, we have been assured that it does not. That it is just an extension of our understanding. My monkey brain has a hard time accepting this though.

Without going to deep (Not even close to an expert), and just from my understanding, QC relies on quantum mechanics obviously. On a principle known as superposition. At the smaller than atomic level, stuff gets so weird classical mechanics can't account for things. Enter QM. At this level, physics is no longer deterministic but probabilistic. So we can never be quite sure where an electron is for example. But we can tell all the possibilities of where it can be. Which is the orbital of the atom. To us, for all intents and purposes, it is everywhere in that orbital at once. Then there are wave functions and observational constructs and blah, blah, blah. Things at this level can be everywhere at once and it is actually scientifically viable somehow.

It all boils down to a quantum computer using qubits (quantum binary bits) being in a state of superposition of 1 AND 0 simultaneously, meaning all the possible combinations of whatever is being computed is happening in real time. The magic comes when it is time to measure which then our observation collapses the possibilities until a value we can understand is left.

IOW: So when a QC is computing, all the possibilities in the qubits are present at once but the values in the qubits don't actually exist until we observe, collapse those possibilities, and measure.

I think I got that sorta straight. At least the main idea. I've read up on it and even attended a couple of seminars and it still hurts my head.

ETA: All that above is literally the elevator pitch level of QC as I know it. Once I hit entanglement my mind grasped it and then it didn't and I stopped about there. That was one of the seminars I attended and I just couldn't intuit it from a lecturer I guess. It's fascinating stuff honestly but it is not my direct field and I feel like I just don't have the aptitude to really get into the weeds of it all.
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It feels to me like this will have value/application for cracking huge massive problems. But not on a daily, practical, transaction basis. I think that's where AI is going to be incredible.
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Will the real sign that QC works be the emptying of all crypto wallets?
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Diet Cokehead said:

Can somebody explain what Quantum Computing is to a dummy?

Computers use binary 1/0 bits to code information because it's just about the best and easiest way to break down and encode something in a logical format. You can't just write "ABC" to a hard drive because you would need an incredibly small something that could be encoded to every letter, capital and lowercase, every number, and every special character in order to store information that way. Drives store information by coding it into binary bits and using a charged/not charged state of small circuits to store the groups of 1's and 0's that translate to individual characters. However, that binary nature limits how much information can be held by bits and how much can be encoded or processed at any given time.

Quantum computers say **** that mess and use quantum bits instead. Quantum bits can be 1,0, or some combination of the two because quantum mechanics and uncertainty, so more information can be passing through a quantum computer and in more complex ways. They work and solve problems/algorithms much differently than traditional computers.

That said, like very early computers, they're going to be big, expensive, and limited to certain niche tasks and fields, especially cryptography. They will absolutely be game changers there, but don't expect one on your desktop anytime soon.
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The difference between quantum computers and binary computers is that quantum computers are probabilistic and binary computers are deterministic.

Think of uncertainty this way: You want to measure the temperature of a beaker of water, so you put a thermometer in it. Now, the measurement you get is not a measurement of the beaker, but of the thermometer AND the beaker. The act of measuring the temperature serves to change the temperature, even if slightly, so you can never be exactly sure what the temperature was, but you can come to an idea of certainty.

Now, you might say, "But we know the temperature/mass of the thermometer so we can calculate what the beaker and water are," but how do you know the temperature of the thermometer? Holding it in your hand changes its temperature as heat passes between your hand and the thermometer. So does setting it on a table. Even light hitting it and reflecting into your eyes will impart or remove some level of energy. Any way you try to read the thermometer to determine its state will change it, which will also change the beaker.

But when you measure the beaker, you can have a rough guess of both that's good enough.

And as for the beaker, looking at it you have no idea of what temp it is. It could be 200 degrees and scald you, 35 degrees and painfully cold, or anywhere in between. You don't know until you check. Think of a binary bit like a beaker that can either have water that's frozen solid or boiling, and a qubit as a beaker that can have water that's either frozen solid, boiling, or a liquid at a temp anywhere in between.
Ferris Wheel Allstar
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ty for the analogy, that helps.

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But even if you could find out exactly the temperature of the beaker how would you know if it was in Celsius or Fahrenheit?
Ferris Wheel Allstar
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or Kelvins?
El Chupacabra
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Any ETFs out there that would be recommended?

The google shows these:

Defiance Quantum ETF (QTUM)
WisdomTree Cloud Computing Fund (WCLD)
Global X Cloud Computing ETF (CLOU)
ARK Next Generation Internet ETF (ARKW)
First Trust Cloud Computing ETF (SKYY)
Diet Cokehead
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I'm clearly not smart enough to understand this. None of this even comes close to making sense to me.
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The answer is both yes and no at the same time.
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I saw a short video on IONQs quantum entanglement of qubits.

quantum entanglement processing allows for instantaneous communication between computers regardless of distance.

I bought 10 shares @32.80 to dip my toe in it last month thinking it would drop and I would add to the position on dips...

Thing is when to buy more


ETA...QEed computers would allow us to understand what happens in black holes...provided the machine doesn't get squished too quickly...
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VitruvianAg said:

I saw a short video on IONQs quantum entanglement of qubits.

quantum entanglement processing allows for instantaneous communication between computers regardless of distance.

That's... not exactly how it works.

To pass information from sender to receiver, you need to be listening for information on one end because you don't know if or when the other end is talking. This is why walkie talkies are always listening and require you to press a button to transmit. So, you need to be "listening" to entangled particles to see if the other end is passing information, but you can't "listen" without also affecting your end of the entangled particles and the measurement you get while listening is random. The result is that you can't actually tell if someone is trying to send you something because the act of listening would step on their transmission by interfering with your end of the entangled pair. Think of it like a walkie talkie where the volume and transmit button are the same, so as soon as you turn the volume above 0 to listen, you're squashing anything incoming.

Now, information can be passed through quantum teleportation, but that also requires the passing of classical information. The sender needs to perform operations on the qubits they're wanting to send and their side of an entangled pair of qubits to determine information about their state that is passed to the receiver who uses that information to determine the original state of the teleported qubits they now have. Think of it like being able to instantly transmit a file, but the file is encrypted and you can only get the encryption key in an email.
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In my opinion, Willow is equivalent to Jack Kilby inventing the integrated circuit in 1958. Personal computers showed up in mainstream in the 1980s. I don't think quantum hardware ramping into volume production is going to have that long of a timeline. But, I would treat this hype right now for what it is - hype.
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