1939 said:
Cyp0111 said:
The Bank of America route probably has significant promote on two layers plus the 1%+ your advisor is taking from you.
Is a promote not standard on PE deals? I come from the real estate world and a multiple layer promote is standard for a managing member.
More commonly referred to as carried interest, but yes it is standard. 2/20 used to be standard. There has been compression, it some very successful track records or sexy newer provides still kick at 2/20 with no pref to LP.
You also want to see some of: high water marks, prefs, lower than 2/20, maybe the mgmt fee (the "2") be limited in some way like only on called not committed amounts, etc…
It can be a little counter-intuitive but too good of terms for the LP is a very bad sign to me. If a fund can't raise capital with attractive terms, what is everyone else seeing that I'm not…