BO297 said:
Personal sells it individually and has been reasonable. I did bundle this year with Allstate and saved a lot though.
All I see on is them selling to other insurance brokers as a pass-through. I don't see any way for me as an individual to buy a policy directly from them. What am I missing here?
Also, some of you people quoting extremely low rates, I believe are just quoting increased liability (only) on an auto polity (only). I have that. But I also want a personal umbrella policy that covers me at all times and in all places. My understanding is that product doesn't exist. It has to be tied to an insurance of some property such as a house, car or boat. Also, Allstate made me get a policy on my boat as part of the requirement for their personal umbrella policy.
But here's my problem. I have a lake house that I paid cash for and chose to self-insure the property. That is, I don't have any property insurance policy for this property. If it catches on fire, I will just pay to rebuild whatever I decide out of my own pocket.
However, I'd like to have a personal umbrella type policy that covers me for personal liability (only). For example, if we invite friends over and their kid falls off the bulkhead into the lake and drowns. Suppose they get a lawyer and sue me for some trip-hazard on my bulkhead. It could be a BS claim or not, but with no homeowner' policy on this property, I am personally sued. Can I get some personal/umbrella policy that covers me for this as personal liability only, without covering the property itself for property damage? If anyone says, "yes" please provide a company and contact for that.
Additionally, suppose I'm on vacation rock climbing and knock a rock loose that falls and injures someone. I'm not at any one of my personal properties that is covered in the umbrella policy. Is there a policy out there that will cover me for this liability? That is, can I have a personal policy that will cover me for all accidental (not intentional) liability things like this wherever I go? Again, if you say "yes there is" please provide the contact phone number for person who will write such a policy.