Fran obviously doesn't know the first rule about QB Club...Don't talk about QB Club.
Since it doesn't deal with game strategy, I'll let you in on a little other nugget that Fran brought up during the QB Club meeting. He talked about the indoor facility gaining approval on campus and now it moves further up the ladder, hopefully w/ final approval coming in the summer of '06. What he said that really bothered me was that they were still a few million short of reaching the $20 million dollars needed to build the facility and that if anyone in the room had $500,000 or million dollars laying around it would help and is needed.
I really wanted to ask him how many more facilities and pay raises the alumni and fans are going to have to finance before there is some kind of return on our investment. I guess until we put our foot down on things like this, nothing will change.
Coach Koenning finished his speech by stating the internet was equivolent to bathroom stall wall. It's basically were everyone goes to write things that mean nothing and serve no purpose. To this comment one great Ag in attendance mummbled...Here I sit broken hearted, Ags suck and only f@rted.