It can't be a coincidence. The great disparity in relative success. What can be learned by their methods? Their leader ship traits?
It's simple they are a school that pumps out lawyers that know how to read people and contracts. We are a school that pumps out engineers that go in to oil. Those guys are risk takers that fail a lot of the time. We need lawyers not wildcatters making decisions.AngryAG said:
It can't be a coincidence. The great disparity in relative success. What can be learned by their methods? Their leader ship traits?
CoachLB said:
Longhorn fans wanted Satk gone in his first season. In his 3rd and 4th year they are in the semi finals. (Having the very easiest path in the playoffs helps) A lot of Aggies have the same impatience as the horn fans that wanted Sark gone. Elko did a great job taking over a program that frankly was a mess. Our top two backs got hurt. Our starting QB went completely off the rails. Elko is recruiting well and killing it in the portal. Not being a sunshine pumper. But anybody who actually knows football knew Sark would get the horns there. Same with Elko. No need to go to Texas for advice. Elko is on the right track, baseball is really good, softball coach was the right hire and they are really good. Basketball is ranked 13, Volleyball reached the sweet 16. So I do not know why you think everything is bad.
Then I am in the wrong place.JWinTX said:CoachLB said:
Longhorn fans wanted Satk gone in his first season. In his 3rd and 4th year they are in the semi finals. (Having the very easiest path in the playoffs helps) A lot of Aggies have the same impatience as the horn fans that wanted Sark gone. Elko did a great job taking over a program that frankly was a mess. Our top two backs got hurt. Our starting QB went completely off the rails. Elko is recruiting well and killing it in the portal. Not being a sunshine pumper. But anybody who actually knows football knew Sark would get the horns there. Same with Elko. No need to go to Texas for advice. Elko is on the right track, baseball is really good, softball coach was the right hire and they are really good. Basketball is ranked 13, Volleyball reached the sweet 16. So I do not know why you think everything is bad.
Quite honestly, except for baseball and men's basketball, nothing else matters to most people here.
Jarrin' Jay said:
Get off your knees and stop making an a** of yourself. Sark went 5-7 and 8-5 his first two seasons with cow.
Any fact finding mission would be better spent in Tuscaloosa, Baton Rouge, Athens, Columbus, Ann Arbor, even Norman over Austin.
t.u. had a good season last year and this year..... the 20 years prior they were OUs bi+ch and the most underperforming program in the country.
If you want to learn anything from cow, it is to make a hire and give him time, 3-4 years, before you declare it a failure and call to fire him. Again, cow was 5-7 and 8-5 in Sark's first two seasons. You would have been calling for him to be murdered after year 1 and fired after year 2....
That was Sharp playing the expectations game…didn't exactly work as he expected it might…AngryAG said:
First point of investigation: Was Sarkisian given any plaques when he was hired?