Drunk and drunkeness. It's the duplicitous edge we all must walk. There is no line. No William Travis bearing a whiskey sword. There is drunk and drunkeness and all that separates the two is a state of mind. Set your mind to drunken happiness.
[This message has been edited by AgCoug (edited 10/27/2012 11:39p).]
So Zoo. No matter how you celebrate another great Aggie win, be it by drunk or drunkeness. Just remember that there's always a girl near you that wants to drink too. So, if yours is not on a business trip to frickin' Vancouver, you need to find that girl. You need to drink with that girl. You need to test the limits with her. What do you have to lose?
Now some might say, "I can't take advantage of a girl. She's drunk." That's true. You can't take advantage. However, you must always remember why she is drinking with you in the first place. She is looking to have a good time. Remember the line. Set it to happiness. Find the threshold and don't cross it... but get as close as you dare. That's the test, brother.