If you ever have a chance to visit this battlefield please take time to do so. You actually get two for one credit on battlefield visits.

Enjoyed reading your account. Thanks for posting.Rabid Cougar said:
I was there in 1986. Our unit was the 2nd Louisiana complete with , pelican buckles, shell jackets, white gaiters and white havelocks.
The fields that the event took place is about two miles from the site.
Manassas 125 - 1986
"Was there ever an event so vast and so hot as the 125th Anniversary reenactment of 1st Manassas? I was amazed by the level of involvement, participation and planning that went into it all -- being in it was actually like being a bit player in a much greater scheme of things. I suppose this was what a major Civil War battle seemed like to the individual soldier, so the impression I'm left with is probably an authentic one.
I made some observations during my three day stay at that dusty camp in Centreville. Here they are for what it's worth."
He mentioned the Concorde flying over out of Dulles.. I too remember that happening... as well as the riderless horse running around the Henry House. That was one of our officer's horse. He had fallen off and broke his pelvis.. And yes, it was hotter than hell. I think the event had over 300 heat casualties.
July 20 1986 UPI Report.