My hometown of Gonzales has a statue of a Confederate soldier on top of a tall column, in the middle of "Confederate Square". When the Charlottesville riots happened, I knew it was a matter of time before the issue of this statue was brought up. The statue itself was not dedicated to the glory of the cause, but rather to honor the dead. In spite of this, the statue has been featured on the "Mother Jones" website as one of the most racist symbols in the South. One can see the dark clouds gathering.... the last thing anyone back home wants is a bunch of Nazis & Antifa goons destroying the town & damaging a statue that was dedicated in 1909.

Thankfully, local minorities & city leadership are working together in a civil manner (for the time being) to figure out a solution agreeable to everyone.
My suggestion (& I am writing a letter to the paper) is to re-dedicate the statue & square to all soldiers from Gonzales County who lost their lives in war, from the Revolution to Afghanistan & Iraq. The current statue would need to be modified to remove the battle flag & some wording. I am going to suggest an additional ring of granite around the existing statue bearing the names of the dead & the conflicts in which they served.
My great great grandfather fought the duration of the Civil War with Terry's Texas Rangers (Company I), and was among those who donated for the original statue... so I do not take this suggestion lightly.
I feel this is a fair compromise. The current political climate is such that if nothing is done, the statue will likely be torn down or become the scene of an ugly conflict. The statue remains as intended & others who gave their lives are honored. I can't honestly look at my black friends I grew up with & have known for 40+ years and tell them that they just have to deal with it.
I'm sure some of you will have strong opinions either way... I'd love to hear them.

Thankfully, local minorities & city leadership are working together in a civil manner (for the time being) to figure out a solution agreeable to everyone.
My suggestion (& I am writing a letter to the paper) is to re-dedicate the statue & square to all soldiers from Gonzales County who lost their lives in war, from the Revolution to Afghanistan & Iraq. The current statue would need to be modified to remove the battle flag & some wording. I am going to suggest an additional ring of granite around the existing statue bearing the names of the dead & the conflicts in which they served.
My great great grandfather fought the duration of the Civil War with Terry's Texas Rangers (Company I), and was among those who donated for the original statue... so I do not take this suggestion lightly.
I feel this is a fair compromise. The current political climate is such that if nothing is done, the statue will likely be torn down or become the scene of an ugly conflict. The statue remains as intended & others who gave their lives are honored. I can't honestly look at my black friends I grew up with & have known for 40+ years and tell them that they just have to deal with it.
I'm sure some of you will have strong opinions either way... I'd love to hear them.