X-posted on AO...this is from a FB post, so written for the general world, more than the hotshots on the H/F board. But hey.
TL/DR: We need to talk about health. And I've lost 50 pounds.
Longer version: For the past 2ish decades, my weight has bounced around 250-275. I'd lose some weight, yo-yo back, lose some, yo-yo, repeat. But I was never really too concerned. I was a healthy enough guy, right? Sure, I could stand to lose a few...who couldn't? I worked out, and I'm a big dude. Yeah, yeah, my doc would harass me a little, but that's his script. I'll work out tomorrow...and have another wonder local beer tonight.
COVID hit, and I packed on a few more. Normal, right? Well, between Halloween and Christmas, I hit 280. Ok, that's too much for even me, so I started what I lovingly call my half-a$$ weight loss approach. In late Feb, I go to my doc for my annual physical. We ran my labs...and my A1C was high. Too high.
What's A1C? That's your longer-term average blood sugar level (docs, forgive my simplistic explanation). Not a spot "I had cake last night" level...an average level that is much more precise. And mine said "Bill, you are now officially a Type 2 Diabetic". Barely, but that the line was crossed.
That was tough. Really, really tough. Mrs Jock quickly got tired of my sarcastic "scooter after I lose my feet" comments. But, I'm a Fightin' Texas Aggie by God and I couldn't stay that way. So, Jess and I made a plan. And she gave me an impossible number. 230.
230?!?! My goal had always been 245 and reevaluate. That had been my goal for years. Hadn't achieved it yet even. But Mrs Jock was firm, and I committed. 230. On March 22, 2021, I restarted Weight Watchers. And today, despite a week a Scout Camp eating food fit for "teenage boys hiking all day" for a week, I hit it.
Shameless plug for WW. It isn't a fad. It isn't a crazy diet that is hard to sustain. I eat the same stuff as my family. And even get that occasional yummy local brew. But I've rethought my relationship with food.
It hasn't been easy. But I've been consistent. And I'm not done yet. My new goal is 220. We'll see after that. But I'm committed. Staying on WW. No yo-yo. Hold me to it.
In closing, folks, we have a real problem in America. And a really big part of that problem is denial. It sure was for me. Healthy at any size is a lie. Diabetes doesn't care about your feelings. Neither does hypertension, heart issues, joint issues, many types of cancer, COVID, etc. And exercise, while wonderful and important, will not overcome diet issues. Stop living in denial. Do something about it.
TL/DR: We need to talk about health. And I've lost 50 pounds.
Longer version: For the past 2ish decades, my weight has bounced around 250-275. I'd lose some weight, yo-yo back, lose some, yo-yo, repeat. But I was never really too concerned. I was a healthy enough guy, right? Sure, I could stand to lose a few...who couldn't? I worked out, and I'm a big dude. Yeah, yeah, my doc would harass me a little, but that's his script. I'll work out tomorrow...and have another wonder local beer tonight.
COVID hit, and I packed on a few more. Normal, right? Well, between Halloween and Christmas, I hit 280. Ok, that's too much for even me, so I started what I lovingly call my half-a$$ weight loss approach. In late Feb, I go to my doc for my annual physical. We ran my labs...and my A1C was high. Too high.
What's A1C? That's your longer-term average blood sugar level (docs, forgive my simplistic explanation). Not a spot "I had cake last night" level...an average level that is much more precise. And mine said "Bill, you are now officially a Type 2 Diabetic". Barely, but that the line was crossed.
That was tough. Really, really tough. Mrs Jock quickly got tired of my sarcastic "scooter after I lose my feet" comments. But, I'm a Fightin' Texas Aggie by God and I couldn't stay that way. So, Jess and I made a plan. And she gave me an impossible number. 230.
230?!?! My goal had always been 245 and reevaluate. That had been my goal for years. Hadn't achieved it yet even. But Mrs Jock was firm, and I committed. 230. On March 22, 2021, I restarted Weight Watchers. And today, despite a week a Scout Camp eating food fit for "teenage boys hiking all day" for a week, I hit it.
Shameless plug for WW. It isn't a fad. It isn't a crazy diet that is hard to sustain. I eat the same stuff as my family. And even get that occasional yummy local brew. But I've rethought my relationship with food.
It hasn't been easy. But I've been consistent. And I'm not done yet. My new goal is 220. We'll see after that. But I'm committed. Staying on WW. No yo-yo. Hold me to it.
In closing, folks, we have a real problem in America. And a really big part of that problem is denial. It sure was for me. Healthy at any size is a lie. Diabetes doesn't care about your feelings. Neither does hypertension, heart issues, joint issues, many types of cancer, COVID, etc. And exercise, while wonderful and important, will not overcome diet issues. Stop living in denial. Do something about it.