
My name is Drazen and as a NEW Student to Texas A&M I've had the opportunity earn a high rewarding scholarship within my job. I am very committed to my goals that I want to achieve and I can only do it with your help!
If you are willing to help out a fellow Aggie, then please contact me by replying, I'll also have my contact information listed.

Basically I got a job showing Cutco, and today we just started a SC2 Push basically where I have 19 days to sell $10,000 but its not just about that. What's great is you don't have to get anything, But we are in a scholarship competition right now against all other students within my job to book as many demos as possible so just doing these appointments can help me win a scholarship to help pay for school.

These appointments can really help me in a scholarship race, and guide me into me achieving my goals, so It does mean a lot to me

Its through google meets and its a presentation that lasts about 1 hour!

Thank you, Drazen