The Department of Educational Psychology is pleased to announce that they are now accepting applications for the 2007 Youth Adventure Program!

The Youth Adventure Program (YAP)is a series of one-week "unique topic" summer courses of study directed by university faculty. Students select one course per week and attend class sessions twice daily. In the afternoons and evenings, the campers are able to participate in social activities and innovative events. The camp is residential and all students are housed in a luxury dorm (The Traditions at Northgate) with adult supervision.

Classes offered for 2007 in College Station include: Geosciences (Storms, Weather, & Climate), Law School, Veterinary Medicine, Computer Design, Archtiecture, Medicine, TV Communication, Horticulture, Engineering, Physical Science, Journalism, Criminalistics, Theater, and a new class for students especially interested in Attending Texas A&M University.

The Youth Adventure Program also has a special spin-off week at TAMU Corpus Christi (YAP: Corpus Island Adventure). This camp is featured in addition to our offerings in College Station. Dates of this program are July 22 - July 29. Classes offered in Corpus Christi include: Sports Management, Photography, and Marine Biology.

Camp information, detailed course descriptions, and applications can be found on the website:

Feel free to forward this information as you see fit to any individual (parent or student)who may be interested in this special opportunity.

For specific camp questions or inquiries, email

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Career exploration opportunity for young aggies-to-be:

[This message has been edited by drjaytamu (edited 4/5/2007 10:45a).]