They just confirmed some deaths there. No official count. Sounds like four or five right now.
McInnis, I hope your loss was limited. I know you live near my parents and they got four feet of water. You probably got around two feet if I had to guess?
They're a bit further back than us, I'm very hopeful our house didn't take on water. I'm very sorry to hear about your parents dilemma though. I just heard Chertoff say we may not get back on for a full month.
Hey - saw your latest message. You all take care. Prayers and support to your family in G-Town. As luck would have it, my specialty was specifically Hurricane Evacuation Outcomes... Good Luck and we will get together when things settle down.
The Gilchrist Community Association is doing a great job of keeping up with links and different webpages that have pictures. My whole family, including myself, lived in Gilchrist and we lost everything, but got out alive. We are so thankful for that.
Thanks for that website Amanda. Some of the pictures confirm what I pretty much figured about a buddy of mine's beach house. It is completely gone. We used to have some good times there during spring break.
Yeah, my house, my grandparent's house, two of their business, and two of my aunts all lost houses down there. we're headed back down there today to see if anything at all is left. we're only expecting to find pilings.
The peninsula is pretty bad off. For those going down there, be prepared for mass destruction. Port Bolivar fared better than the rest of the peninsula but there is still damage.
Port Bolivar is 80% there, slight damage to houses. Gilchrist is all but gone. Crystal Beach is 50% gone, 40% heavy damage, 10% seemingly ok. High Island suffered damage but I havent seen with my own eyes.
Starting Friday at 6 am they will allow driving over the one lane on Rollover Pass to the beach. You can cross between 6am-2pm, and have to be out by I believe 4 pm.
headed in there tomorrow morning from nederland. our house is standing ! we are 5.5 miles from ferry landing off boyt rd, beach side. few others around us are there also, but the majority of them are gone.
Congrats BQDAD. We may try heading down this weekend but I'm afraid the traffic is going to be awful. Nothing of mine left but I'm hoping to find some belongings if possible.
Congrats BQDad! My brothers cabin in Biscayne made it too, it seems like that end of the peninsula made it through better than the other.
My Mom's cabin down Crystal Beach Rd, completely gone. Such is life. We will probably wait until the insurance guy can meet us down there, but we might go on Saturday.