i will be working in palacios and living in bay city. is there more than one internet provider?
Other than that, you are probably in one of the most recession-proof areas in the country, with the likely installation of two new units at STP, possibility of another future nuclear plant in Mat. County, and alot of other work going on in Matagorda and Wharton county.
quote:Those who have the skills to build nuclear plants will move to the next construction site. These skills/trades are hard to come buy. They won't be your general laborers, they will be highly skilled and highly paid. They will also be highly mobile and able to follow the soon-to-be-hopefully-booming nuclear industry.
% of the jobs that will be "created" by the building of these reactors will be the constructions workers who will be building the things. After 6 years they will be completed, and then those hundreds of people will be left without a job, driving up the already poor unemployment rate
Those who have the skills to build nuclear plants will move to the next construction site. These skills/trades are hard to come buy. They won't be your general laborers, they will be highly skilled and highly paid. They will also be highly mobile and able to follow the soon-to-be-hopefully-booming nuclear industry.
This is a FAIL. The other nuclear plant that was considering the Collegeport area decided on Victoria instead
After 6-7 years, I will imagine they will not want to move again, remaining in the area.
I've lived in Bay City for the last year...It sucks...