It's been a while but,
1) the lake level is getting back to normal...saw that a couple of weekends ago
2) demographics - on the open ski water tends to be mostly weekenders from longview/surrounding areas. tends to be nicer, larger homes. These were most likely the kids and grandkids of the upper-middle class/wealthy of ETX.
3) The last time I was out there, it seemed like the lake was filled with kids and younger people ( < 30 ) and a lot of seadoos and wake boats.
4) The area closer to the dam tends to be the older people, though on occasion you see a younger family/person/2nd home's significantly more affordable. However, it's quite a trek from there to the open water (like 20-30 minutes through the boat lanes)
5) I've always heard the rumor that they planned on cutting the stumps near the dam area close to Easton and making that a 2nd ski area/jet ski area. I guess that's not true because this summer would have been the time to do so.