Did you decide?
My wife grew up here. We moved back to Texas in 1993 after 4.5 years in the Army and to Lufkin in 1995.
I've had ample opportunities to take promotions and leave and we choose to stay. It is a great place to raise a family with good people, good churches, good education, decent shopping.
The schools here are great. My oldest just graduated and was more prepared to go to A&M after 8th grade than I was when I graduated high school. Some might say the smaller outlier schools(Hudson, Huntington) are better, but if your kids want the challenge, the AP program in Lufkin is the best college prep in the area.(I am biased, of course)
The medical community is first class for a town this size. How many 35-40K sized towns have 2 top-notch hospitals, a VA clinic, and every specialty you need?
When we got married 20+ years ago, my wife had no intention of EVER living in Lufkin again. After moving away, having kids, and seeing other parts of the country, we have no intention of living anywhere else.
Good luck in your decision.