A friend of a friend just quit a decent paying job at a law firm to become a landman in East Tx.
We laughed at him at first, then thought chit, maybe the guy knows something we don't.
My schedule is flexible. I could dabble in this area if I wanted to.
My questions:
Is the guy a fool?
Is it a cutthroat, shyster, used car salesman type occupation that ends when the boom is over?
How much do these landguys make?
Is East Tx. like the Cali gold rush, and most of the leasing over with? It seems like everybody and their dog wants in. Is it too late?
Any thoughts?
We laughed at him at first, then thought chit, maybe the guy knows something we don't.
My schedule is flexible. I could dabble in this area if I wanted to.
My questions:
Is the guy a fool?
Is it a cutthroat, shyster, used car salesman type occupation that ends when the boom is over?
How much do these landguys make?
Is East Tx. like the Cali gold rush, and most of the leasing over with? It seems like everybody and their dog wants in. Is it too late?
Any thoughts?