Is there anywhere in town to get decent kolaches? I guess growing up on Greens Sausage house and Czech Stop spoiled me.
I assume you are looking for klobasnek (Sausage filled)?
quote:Nope I meant Klobasnekquote:
I assume you are looking for klobasnek (Sausage filled)?
I assume you mean a Kolache. Because that's what that is.
good lord, i didnt know heehaw west tx had czech snobs too
a kolache to everyone else but dong czechs is sausage in bread.
this is relevant because i in midland and a good sausage kolache sounds tasty.
quote:Then get some pumpkin empanadas from Martinez Bakery, I left them untouched the last time I was there.
no kidding. I'm stuck with leftovers. still hungry, but too lazy to get out of the house.
quote:The important part.quote:Then get some pumpkin empanadas from Martinez Bakery, I left them untouched the last time I was there.
no kidding. I'm stuck with leftovers. still hungry, but too lazy to get out of the house.