I have 1436 jon boat with a 13 hp mudmotor that can be fairly easily hand launched with 2 people. I live ITL and hate having to drive 40 minutes to launch my boat somewhere. I drive over the bayous all the time and imagine how cool it would be to run my boat on them. The recent story about the robbers has me thinking about it more seriously although I imagine they just came up through the ship channel.
I'm thinking about using the kayak launch at woodway. I have kayaked from hogg to downtown before and I don't remember there being any sort of obstacles my boat couldn't handle. Has anyone ever done this before, seen anyone doing it, or have information about the woodway kayak launch?
I'm thinking about using the kayak launch at woodway. I have kayaked from hogg to downtown before and I don't remember there being any sort of obstacles my boat couldn't handle. Has anyone ever done this before, seen anyone doing it, or have information about the woodway kayak launch?