If price is your concern, I think most pan out the same if you go in with a good strategy to each. Just look for what is on a nice sale at each place, and they all should have some good prices on some select items, and buy some extra. We cycle through different stores (Walmart, Kroger, HEB, Randall's, etc) each week that have good sale prices, and you should have some of your regular items regularly stocked up. That's about what my wife and I do, our fridge is usually stocked full, with good quality food and we eat well without spending too much money. It isn't a perfect science, but it comes close to working out.
Kroger has a nice sale on strip steaks as of yesterday, btw. Spent $18 yesterday on some nice quality cuts, for what normally would have been $40. Grilled two last night that came out excellent.
[This message has been edited by Cyprian (edited 11/10/2009 9:17a).]