I can't speak to other spec builders in those areas, but if I was to buy in that area, Kaleo Homes would be where I was looking.
I say this maybe being a little bias as they use us in the process of new homes. When Fred with Kaleo contacted us, he was unhappy with his current supplier. We did a walk thru one of the houses already built(this was several years ago), I was able to point out several differences between how they did it, and how we do it. This is to include using a industry standard door mounted to IDA(international door association) recommendations.
Kaleo is the only one i know of using an industry standard door in that area mounted to IDA specs.
I say this to say, if Kaleo is taking those extra steps you don't usually see to take care of you, imagine how well
They will take care of you during the buying process.
Just to note: This is not a paid endorsement(lol), just want to give credit to a builder taking care of his customers when no one is looking.
Chris Symons