PLEASE READ: This event is open to anyone that wants to participate. You can "egg" anyone's house over the next 2 weeks! This event is meant to be fun and bring happiness across the Brazos Valley! So the more that participate the merrier! Share with and invite your friends!

I created this event because I wanted to spread happiness all over Bryan/College Station! With Easter coming up I thought what better way than with "You've been egged".

Now it's not what you think....LOL! Here is how it works! Choose a house, it could be a coworker, neighbor, friend, family or really anyone! Stuff 6-12 eggs and hide them in the front yard! Don't forget to leave a letter explaining what this craziness is all about! The hope is that person will now pay it forward and do the same and then it keeps going from there! If you feel extra creative you can leave some fun little goodies! Ideas might be chalk, cookies, crafts, movie, bubbles...anything you want! <----This is totally optional!

If you are "egged" please add a photo to social media and hashtag it with #eggedinbcs

***Don't leave out the older kids! Just because a household doesn't have young children doesn't mean you can't "egg" them!