Brunswick Corporation (Who owns Mercury Outboards) purchased Crestliner in 2004 from Genmar Corp who filed bankruptcy. Brunswick bought Lowe, Lund and Crestliner so they could have brands on which to solidify transoms to hang Mercury's on.
Crestliner, like Lowe and Lund were old respected lines years back. Crestliner grew its reputation in the northern market with their multispecies deep V hulls. … well respected in that market.
They were originally just built in MN. But now also have a manufacturing facility in Lebanon MO.
They are a respected line and have a good reputation in the aluminum boat market. They are not typically considered a " high end" boat in the marketplace…. more of upper mid range quality boat.
They have a decent dealership network and are not known for any bad characteristics in performance, construction, or customer service.
Crestliners are only available powered by Mercury.
I would tell you to check what horsepower the boat is rated for versus what HP engine is on it…….because many times there are promotional packages that are put together for a price point and can be somewhat under horsepower. Typically you want the engine to be what the boat is rated for ( Or close to it), to realize the best performance envelope for the boat.
Also check to see if the boat has a transferable hull warranty and also any remaining warranty on the engine.
In summary…. Crestliner is a good boat for the money…. holds a decent trade in value as well.
Feel free to PM me if I can help in anyway.