jpb1999 said:
Hmmm, it seems mowing short and often would help thicken the grass and choke out weeds?
Not for St. Augustine. It needs to be taller. This has to do with the way it runs and spreads on top of the ground and the blade structure. You want to only cut the vertical blade that grows upward and only cut the top 1/3 or so of that blade. What you don't want to cut is the part that the blade grows out of. Look closely at the grass, that single blade comes out of a part that splits to both sides. That happens about an inch or so above the runner which may not be tight to the ground. If you cut that growth point it has to regenerate before the grass grows more.
Sorry, I'm not using any of the proper terminology, but I think you get the idea. Look at the pic below. You only want to be cutting the last 1/3 of that outer most blade. Also cut before it grows those seed heads. They're sterile anyway.