Your powder load on the high end is within spec - Lyman had a min load of 4.5 grains and a max load of 5.7 grains for a 115 cast lead. (#358345 profile, #2 alloy composition, .997" OAL. (Above i thought it was too high, but it ended up being the low end that was out of range)
Now the BC is probably different given the different geometry of the projectile and a round nose design, but it isnt going to be such a difference that you are in a danger zone.
Your starting charge was a little low, which generally is not a huge concern. However, under the right conditions, a short charge can be as bad as an overcharge, so keep that in mind. Too much case room can, on rare occasions, allow the powder to burn outside the pressure range - it can burn too fast and lead to a KABOOM. Not likely, but possible.
Both of my loads are with Universal, though my next batch will be with Unique. I will be sticking with the ranges above and tweaking as necessary.
[This message has been edited by schmellba99 (edited 5/27/2014 8:34p).]
[This message has been edited by schmellba99 (edited 5/27/2014 8:36p).]